
Nowadays, modern products bring much more complexity for engineers. They have to manage with electronics, electrical systems, software and internet-of-things community. Engineers in different disciplines have to work together on design, to avoid costs increase and problem arising. Systems engineering coordinates design across engineering disciplines. But as teams, working together needs method and technology to support requirements: model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is one available. Discover how you can track systems engineering requirements for the entire product, how you can evaluate your performance and how to work collaboratively with a large number of engineers. Read this article written by Chad Jackson, Chief Analyst and CEO at Lifecycle Insights as guest author to understand why using MBSE and Capella is more efficient than using only spreadsheets and documents.  ...
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What is great with Capella webinars is that you benefit from deep content while staying behind your laptop! On the 26th of March, join us to listen to Scott Millsap, System Architect from CNXMotion, which is a joint venture between Continental and Nexteer Automotive. Discover how each member of their engineering team is aligned with a common understanding of the intended system architecture and how with Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), they collaboratively develop motion control solutions for autonomous vehicle applications.   Europe: 3 pm UTC (London) | 4 pm CET (Paris) America: 8 am PDT (San Francisco) | 11 am EDT (New-York) Register here to join us !  ...
The upcoming Capella webinar has been announced with a little surprise this time! On the 3rd of March, join us to listen to...
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Let’s start the year by the traditional unveiling of Capella’s new features! The Capella development teams have once again been active on multiple fronts bringing Capella 1.4 features enhancements spanning from small quick wins to major improvements of core Capella foundations. On Wednesday 15th of January, at 5PM (UTC+1), attend the next webinar to both discover these evolutions and have general perspectives on the Capella ecosystem. The webinar will be driven in English by Juan Navas and Stéphane Bonnet, from Thales....
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Posted on in News
Obeo provides open software solutions to address the needs for designing industrial solutions (avionics, space, defense, energy, transportation, etc.), complex softwares, as well as managing the digital transformation of organizations. Strategic member of the Eclipse foundation, Obeo develops technologies such as Eclipse Sirius (graphic modeling) or Acceleo (code generation), and is a member the Capella Industry Consortium (model-based systems engineering). Obeo’s solutions combine the openness of Open Source and the reliability of a software provider. Well that's for the formal description. But for those who know us, you are aware of our deep investment in the Open Source and the Eclipse communities. It's not just about business model, it's also related to our vision, our values and our convictions. And this year we are half excited half scared just as you are at the first day at school. EclipseCon Europe 2019 will not only be about innovations, friends, and (of course) beers. For u...
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