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SiriusCon Live 2020 is a free online event where attendees can benefit from users feedback and advanced features presentations on Eclipse Sirius. This Thursday we will open the 5th edition of this graphical modeling conference, and the 2nd one organized online. We made this choice in 2018 since we wanted an event which looks like its community: worldwide, from different professional sectors, and really curious and hungry for new features, learning from Sirius experts and discovering new use-cases! Well good news for the Sirius community: the SiriusCon Live 2020 edition will get all these ingredients and even more spices! Be warned, there will be a huge announcement about Obeo Cloud Platform! We know, you may not even know what is OCP. Just one solution to discover it, register for SiriusCon and enjoy your conference! In 2020, we are pleased to welcome 13 speakers talking from Germany, France, Spain and even Australia! You can still discover ...

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Yesterday was World Oceans Day! 24 hours for a cause that deserves to be looked at every day. So we make the mobilization last a little longer by relaying the voice of the association The SeaCleaners, with which we have been collaborating for a year now. This association dedicated to the reduction of plastic pollution on land and on the sea works on the construction of the Manta, a ship capable of collecting and treating large amounts of plastic macro-waste floating on the surface of the oceans. Next to The SeaCleaners, and through the end of all our goodies we raise a message: everyone on their own scale, can act for better management of the oceans and their ecosystems. And even more today, with the current circumstances, and all the masks and other single-use products ending up in our stretch of water. “The after-world” needs our collective mobilization to go forward. Let’s protect our oceans together! Find here the tribune of Yvan Bourgnon, founder of The SeaCleaners Discover h...
Tagged in: news obeo
On the 28th of May (or 27th if you’re in America) John Risson and Fabrice Lestideau (respectively from Anacom and Thinksystems pty Ltd) will talk about MBSE to deliver effective solutions in the Telecom domain. Their presentation will be illustrated with a concrete Capella model they’ve created as part of the INCOSE Telecommunication Working Group. As speakers are located in Australia, they will provide 2 slots in order to reach Europe, America and Asia: First slot: For Australia (on the 28th of May): 8:30 am AEST For North America (on the 27th of May): 3:30 pm PDT / 6:30 pm EDT Register here Second slot: For Europe / Asia / Australia (on the 28th of May): 9 am CEST / 4 pm JST / 5 pm AEST Register here  ...
Tagged in: events news
Nowadays, modern products bring much more complexity for engineers. They have to manage with electronics, electrical systems, software and internet-of-things community. Engineers in different disciplines have to work together on design, to avoid costs increase and problem arising. Systems engineering coordinates design across engineering disciplines. But as teams, working together needs method and technology to support requirements: model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is one available. Discover how you can track systems engineering requirements for the entire product, how you can evaluate your performance and how to work collaboratively with a large number of engineers. Read this article written by Chad Jackson, Chief Analyst and CEO at Lifecycle Insights as guest author to understand why using MBSE and Capella is more efficient than using only spreadsheets and documents.  ...
Tagged in: news obeo
What is great with Capella webinars is that you benefit from deep content while staying behind your laptop! On the 26th of March, join us to listen to Scott Millsap, System Architect from CNXMotion, which is a joint venture between Continental and Nexteer Automotive. Discover how each member of their engineering team is aligned with a common understanding of the intended system architecture and how with Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), they collaboratively develop motion control solutions for autonomous vehicle applications.   Europe: 3 pm UTC (London) | 4 pm CET (Paris) America: 8 am PDT (San Francisco) | 11 am EDT (New-York) Register here to join us !  ...