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From the 19th to the 22nd of October, with an online format, the EclipseCon conference brought the Eclipse technology community together. As a sponsor and participant, Obeo was happy to actively participate in this new edition. Discussing with you, presenting our new projects… EclipseCon 2020 was once again rich in new projects and discussions! Following our history, you already know how important open-source is here at Obeo. The expression is sometimes overused but here it is ever so truthful; “Open-source is in Obeo’s DNA”. That’s why in 2013, along with Thales, we made the choice to opt for an open-source Eclipse Sirius. And since hundreds of graphic modelers have been created, you can even find some in the Sirius Gallery But it’s time to go even further! Sirius Web will be following the same path as Sirius Desktop. So what’s Sirius Web? Sirius Web is based on the same fundamental principles as Sirius Desktop: It’s a unique technology that allows easy development of modeling tools...

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Obeo going even further in open-source tech!   Obeo is happy to support EclipseCon once again this year. From the 19th to the 22nd of October, join us! Like every year, the program is rich in talks all about Eclipse technology and the open-source world. For this years edition, the Obeo team will be having 3 talks: Last updates on Acceleo: better performances, new languages, upgrading user experience… Discover all the new features in the most recent updates! "Lift Off with Sirius Web" Obeo is happy to announce Sirius Web: you modeling workbench 100% open-source, 100% accessible from your web browser. “Lifting 15ton blocks with Eclipse” working with Mesuris, Arthur Daussy while using BLOCKSfit (among other tools), contributed with the construction of a sea dike on the Atlantic coast. For more information before the talk, come read our blog post on the case study. Don't forget to check out the program right here Our team is also available in our vir...

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Co-organised with Thales, TNO-ESI & Altran, the most recent edition of Capella Days began the 12 of October and ended the 15th. And what a week it was! We had insightful case-studies talks presented by 17 speakers from industry leading businesses, from talks about engineering the railway system of tomorrow, to using gamma-rays to explore space, to cleaning our oceans. Capella Days also featured model-based systems engineering (MBSE) trends, the Capella roadmap, and an open Q&A session. We truly had a large diversity of Capella and MBSE applications in one manner or another (See the program). And it seems that you also enjoyed our speakers, this year we had the pleasure to host over 850 attendees from over 50 countries world-wide… Our community grows stronger every year! So thank you for giving us the opportunity to share this amazing 4th edition of Capella Days with you. Also, a special thank to our 7 sponsors. Their support is significant! If you couldn’t make it this y...
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Thursday, September 10, 2020, Obeo organized a Capella Webinar. This webinar has ended, but feel free to watch the recording.   Discover how to use Excel-based interfaces to collaborate on Capella models. MapleMBSE 2020.1 adds support for Capella. Organizations using Capella can now edit models within MapleMBSE, allowing them to simplify MBSE tasks and increase engagement with MBSE processes at their company.   During this webinar, you will see how to work with a Capella systems model using MapleMBSE The demonstration will highlight how all stakeholders can collaborate through the systems model using task-specific, Excel-based interfaces found in MapleMBSE.   This Webinar will be presented by Paul Goossens, Vice President, Systems Engineering Solutions and Bharani Mohan, MapleMBSE Product Manager, both from Maplesoft.   Thursday, September 10th, 2020 Europe: 4 pm UTC+1 (London) | 5 pm CET (Paris) America: 8 am PDT (San Francisco) | 11 am EDT ...

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Capella Days Online 2020 is organized by Obeo, in partnership with Thales, Altran and TNO-ESI, brings together the community of Capella and Arcadia: creators of this innovative systems engineering solution, providers of Capella add-ons and services, MBSE experts and industrial users. This year Capella Days happened in conjunction with ESI webinar day, the 6th of October 2020. After a great Capella Day 2019 edition in Munich, mainly featuring Capella complimentary tools and add-ons, in 2020 we decided to focus on industrial MBSE case-studies. Check-out the program featuring very interesting talks from Capella's feedback on their experience from different engineering domains: CNES (space systems) GMV (space systems) NextRail (rail systems) Siemens (medical devices) Stille AB (surgical solutions) Thales Group (aerospace, defence, transportation and security) The SeaCleaners (waste collecting, clean shipping) Virgin Hyperloop (high-speed transportation technology) Capella...