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Thursday 2nd September 2021, Obeo organized a Capella Webinar This webinar has ended, but feel free to watch the recording.   When designing increasingly complex systems, engineers need to master the behaviour of the solution they will deliver, throughout the engineering life-cycle.  Arcadia and Capella MBSE practices allow them to share a common understanding of the foreseen solution and to secure the solution definition. In some cases, engineers need to execute their architecture models to early validate the specified behavior, to perform architecture tradeoffs and to provide a reference for further implementation.   This webinar, was presented by Pierre Nowodzienski, Simulation & Digital Twin expert at Thales, who presented how we address these needs by coupling the best-in-class architectural design practices provided by Capella with the powerful simulation capabilities provided by Matlab Simulink. If you are interested in discovering ne...
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We were so glad to be able to represent Capella at INCOSE IS 2021, along with Thales. It was a great opportunity to learn more on Capella & MBSE and get real insider tips and knowledge.   A value-driven, integrated approach to Model-Based Product Line Engineering   Next week, Thales presented their talk on the 19th at 12:30 to 13:10 EDT “A value-driven, integrated approach to Model-Based Product Line Engineering” Pushed to the edge of their capabilities in a highly competitive world market, organizations everywhere look for efficient means to innovate and develop their products and services.  This paper proposed and illustrated a holistic integration of Product Line Engineering (PLE) and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to connect and align market and business analysis, architecting, design, and engineering. This value-driven, integrated approach capitalizes on MBSE best practices to tackle the concrete challenges of product line engineering.  Presen...
Join us next week, at the 31st Annual INCOSE Symposium!    From the 17th to the 22nd July, System Engineering professionals from all over the world will be gathering for over 120 talks. The Capella MBSE Tool will also have a booth, so feel free to stop by and talk with one of our Capella Experts! At the booth you will also be able to check out our presentation video, and download our flyer.   There will be plenty of MBSE and Capella related presentations, but you should check out our Capella talks on the 21st and the 22nd which will be presented by Samuel Rochet & Stephane Lacrampe.  Thales will also be hosting a talk on the 19th at 12:30 to 13:10 EDT where they will presenting “A value-driven, integrated approach to Model-Based Product Line Engineering” Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to participate in this impressive event.   For more information concerning registration:
Tagged in: news obeo
Thursday, July 1st, 2021, Obeo organized a Capella Webinar. This webinar has ended, but feel free to watch the recording.    Discover how Arcadia/Capella is used to model and simulate the concept of operations scenarios for CubeSat-based missions. During this webinar, Danilo Pallamin de Almeida, who worked as a Space Systems Engineer for the NanosatC-BR2 mission at INPE, the Brazilian Institute for Space Research, will present how CubeSat-based missions have been modeled with Capella. The model describing an initial architecture mission and concept of operations (CONOPS) is used to generate a script that configures a satellite simulator with the corresponding mission parameters.   Copyright INPE   You will see how it allows the INPE to: run concept of operations scenarios simulations, use the results for power/data-budget analyses and trade studies.   This Webinar was presented by Danilo Pallamin de Almeida MSc. Space Systems Engin...

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Thursday, June 10, 2021, Obeo organized a Capella Webinar. This webinar has ended, but feel free to watch the recording.   Discover how MBSE is used on the Brazilian CubeSat development program. With two nanosatellites already in operation (NANOSATC-BR1 and NANOSATC-BR2), the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE-MCTI) is currently in the conceptual phase of a third mission (NANOSATC-BR3). Copyright MCTI-Brazil Giulia Herdies from the Federal University of Santa Maria in Brazil will present how the Capella tool and the Arcadia method are used in the second phase of the project, to develop the concept of this mission.   During this webinar, she will explain: Why the use of MBSE is vital for development of the conceptual phase, by allowing a global understanding of the mission by all involved. How stakeholders' needs and project restrictions were broken down within the operational, functional and physical aspects, which resulted in a preliminary ...