
Exciting News: Partnership Between Obeo and Lotus Technologies, Inc.      In June 2024, OBEO and LOTUS Technologies, Inc. signed a partnership agreement. Through this partnership, the two companies aim to supply various and effective MBSE solutions, including Capella Add-On products, to the domestic market. These products include “Team for Capella,” specialized in building team collaboration environments, “Publication for Capella,” supporting OSLC compatibility and integration with ALM or RM environments, and “Cloud for Capella,” which establishes an MBSE system modeling work environment in the cloud.   More informations here:     2024년 6월에 OBEO와 LOTUS Technologies, Inc.는 파트너십 계약을 체결했습니다. 양사는 이번 파트너쉽 체결을 통해 ARCADIA 방법론 기반의 시스템 아키텍처 모델링 도구인 Capella뿐만 아니라, 팀 협업환경 구축에 특화된 “Team for Capella”, Capella와 OSLC 호환 및 ALM 또는 RM 환경과의 통합 기능을 지원하는 “Publication for Capella”, 그리고 클라우드 환경에서의...
Replay of Capella Webinar - Thursday, September 26th 2024 Integration of Capella with Requirements Management Tools   With the Arcadia method implemented by Capella, engineering is considered through three interrelated activities of equal importance:- Requirements engineering- Need analysis and modelling- Architecture building and validation The first is generally conducted with a Requirements Management tool (such as Doors or Polarion), while the last two are conducted with Capella. Using different tools raises questions about efficiently maintaining consistency and alignment between the architecture models and the requirements, and exposing a consistent integrated view of this interrelated data. During this webinar, you will see how the Publication for Capella add-on enables publishing Capella models on a web server and connecting them with requirements, change requests, test cases, releases, and more, defined in third-party repositories. This solution breaks down silos...
Tagged in: capella MBSE webinar

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Exciting News: Partnership Between Obeo and Anzen Engineering     We are delighted to announce a groundbreaking partnership between Obeo and Anzen Engineering. This partnership represents a significant milestone as Obeo and Anzen Engineering come together to advance the field of MBSE. Obeo's expertise and solutions in MBSE, combined with Anzen Engineering's extensive knowledge and experience in safety engineering and systems assurance, create an extraordinary synergy.   For more information, visit:  ...
Tagged in: capella MBSE partnership
Replay Capella Webinar - July 11th 2024   Optimize Architecture by Generating N2 Design Structure Matrices with DSM4Capella We propose in this webinar the presentation of our implementation of DSM/N2 matrices applied to Capella Logical Architecture and use it as optimization technique for logical functions to components allocation. Our implementation is proposed as open source in LabsCapella -DSM4Capella. Presented by: Sébastien Dubé Chief Technical Officer and Senior Consultant in Systems Engineering (Samares Engineering) 24 years experience in Systems and Embedded Software Engineering Provide Training, Support, Coaching services on MBSE topics for Capella/ARCADIA and SysML language. Manage the Samares Research activities     Mirna Ojeda Systems Engineering Consultant (Samares Engineering) 3 years experience in Systems Engineering and MBSESystems Engineering ConsultantProvide Training and support on MBSE (Capella and SysML), develop internal MBSE ...
  Where the Australian Capella Community Meets   This in-person event is a unique opportunity for Capella users and enthusiasts to gather, exchange ideas, and share their experiences.  This first edition was held at the International Chamber House of Melbourne, the 25th of June 2024. It was such an incredible opportunity to share experiences within the Capella Community and to have the honor of attending a great presentation full of insights :  Romain Horcada (Obeo) made an introduction to Capella, Tim Carter (KBR) presented a talk name "How-to Model a Logical Architecture with Capella".  ...