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Finally Helios M6 is here !You can install Acceleo and EEF from the Helios Update Site and benefit of the last features of this two projects.For the EEF one, there is some bug fixes but mainly there is a new option in the EEFGen model that let you choose if you want use JMerge to manage user code or not. There is two way to customize generated code by EEF :Adding custom code in the dedicated area, protected area.Subclassing the generated code, putting user code in theses and providing them with appropriated providerNow for the first way you can use JMerge instead of Acceleo protected area. If you check the option "Use JMerge to manage user code" in the EEFGen model, Acceleo will not generated protected area anymore but put a @generated tag at the beginning of the classes and at the beginning of each method (thanks Ed for the feature request).Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...

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Quite a few monthes ago I talked about the history of Acceleo and why its version number were regressing. Well let's talk about version jumping now :p.Acceleo is a code generator with its own history and user community ; over the years, it grew from its first stable release to its current 2.6 version. Yet, we (the Acceleo dev team) thought that the future of code generation lied in the OMG standard "MOF Model To Text Language" (MTL) based on OCL.An important change with this version is its switch from a self-hosted project to an eclipse foundation project. Following Eclipse rules, the project "Acceleo" was required to have an incubation phase, and this incubation called for version numbers 0.*. Started a little more than two years ago, this incubation phase is almost ready for its end.We plan to have Acceleo graduate along with the Helios (Eclipse 3.6) release which is due to be out on June 2010. This usually means the plugin grows from version 0.9 to version 1.0. However, in order n...

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I'm ready for my first Eclipse Con 2010 ! It's very exciting to think that in some hours I'll be in Santa Clara to present EEF. My talk is a little shorter than in Eclipse Summit Europe so I focused on the essential.My talk is monday at 14:42 and will deal with :What is EEF ?EEF in a NutshellSome advanced uses of EEFEEF test case generationThere many topics in 12min but we are in Santa Clara during all Eclipse Con so feel free to ask us more information.I have a second talk about SWTBot during Eclipse Con Thursday at 14:30. I'll present the work we done to create a bot (SWTBot) able to test GEF graphical modelers.In this presentation I will talk about :SWTBot, a brief descriptionGEF, what kind of application can be done with this framework?SWTBot the GEF-dedicated APISWTBot really help us to create more robust GEF and GMF applications.See you in Santa ClaraLien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...
Recently, we received some bug about EEF for the library sample of EMF. After some fixes, EEF works for this metamodel. So I took 5 minutes (yes 5 minutes ! ;)) to make a demo about this sample.The important thing behind this demo is the entire EEF process. You have all the steps needed to use EEF in the EMF generated treeviewer. Enjoy ;)Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...

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[en]While cleaning my folders, I found this blog entry of Marting Fowler I printed in 2005 . A very good idea to go ahead and avoid endless meetings. To be tested. PS: since 2005, I switched from printing on paper to instapaper and delicious.[/en] [fr]Je viens de retomber sur ce blog de Marting Fowler que j’avais imprimé en 2005 . Ca me semble une très bonne idée pour faire avancer certaines réunions. A tester d’urgence! PS: dans la catégorie “Sauvons la planète”, j’ai depuis remplacé les impressions papier par instapaper et delicious.[/fr]Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: gblondelle...