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After a little break, I'm back ! :)ESE 2009 was a very cool experience. An opportunity to meet very important people for the EEF project and to assist to very interesting presentations.First of all, EMF, CDO, EMF Databinding tutorial was very interesting. It's a shame that we hadn't the time to do all the exercices.In the afternoon the modeling symposium showed us some very interesting application of EMF. I found the demo of Cedric Vidal from ProxiAD especially interesting with the EMF customizer. This tools allows users to "customize" generated EMF models with a models using an Xtext syntax very close to CSS.And that was all for the first day. A very nice diner in a typical German Restaurant and it was time to sleep a little.The second day, after a first key note that let me quite unconvinced, it was time for talks. I assisted to many talks about e4 and the riena project then back to modeling talks. I went to the talk about the brigde between EMF and Oslo made by the AtlanMod/INRIA te...

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We try and constantly improve the Acceleo template editor as much as we can so as to make it as intuitive as possible. I haven't posted anything here about the template editing, here is a brief recapitulation of the features we're supporting (apart from the basic functions inherited from the text editor such as search, incremental search, ...). Including the latests and in no particular order :Syntax highlightingA classic for any self-respecting code editor, Acceleo provides highlighting for all module elements, though highlighting is minimal for OCL elements.Error detectionOnce again, a classic for any editor which contents are compiled, interpreted, or in any way error-prone.Quick fix (ctrl+shift+1)Not much accessible in terms of quick fixes yet, Acceleo only provides the possibility to create templates or queries corresponding to "not found" compilation errors.Completion (ctrl+space)We provide code completion for templates, queries, operations and OCL standard elements.Open declarat...

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It's time to finalize my trip to ludwigsburg ! My presentation is ready (most impatient can read it here), it remains for me to prepare my speech for Thursday.I'm also eager to attend to the talks of ESE : EMF Databinding soon be a important component for EEF for example.See you in Germany for those who will come to Eclipse Summit!Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...

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First of all, Hello Eclipse world !I'm proud to be included in Eclipse Planet and to join the Eclipse community. And to celebrate this, here is some news of the EEF project :)All the EEF team has worked on adding new features and stabilizing the project. We have now an framework more simple and more extensible. For instance, all the architecture of the Acceleo generation module has been redesigned to ease the extension of the generation when we add new widgets.This work has been done to create a new widget for EEF, the "flat reference table" which is a "slim version" of the reference table.The "AdvancedReferenceTable"The "FlatReferenceTable"A second big part of our work was focused on the generation of tests for EEF. And we start to have nice results :) Now, it's possible to generate JUnit test cases, using the SWTBot project, that test the result of the EEF generation for a given project. A test is generated for each modelized widget. We are currently able to test Text and Checkbox. N...

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I just figured out that the Simon Wardley’s keynote at OSCON, “Cloud Computing – Why IT Matters” is online. Simon’s show is lively and brilliant. Amazing style, and most importantly a very good demonstration of the fundamental trend behind cloud computing : commoditization. Enjoy! Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: gblondelle...