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This post is aimed at anyone that depends on or make use of the Acceleo versions built and provided within the Helios release train, namely 0.9M1-0.9M5 and 3.0M6. If you are not concerned, feel free to ignore it altogether ^^.We added support for ".properties" files in Acceleo in the latest development version (this support appeared for 3.0M1, at the time named 0.9M1). However we realized that this first version of the properties handling left no place for customization/overriding of properties ; no place for internationalization ; and deployment of generation modules as plugins would most likely cause issues with properties lookup. Bug 311045 and bug 311068 have been opened to track these issues.If you are one of the early adopters that made use of the property support, you'll need to cope with a little change for the M7 build : in the generated class was an "addProperties" method which allowed you to registered the full path to the properties file that was to be loaded. For example i...

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The eclipse foundation just officially announced a new working group on SOA. At this occasion, a new release of the eclipse SOA platform is available.The official annoucement can be read here: am thrilled by this initiative because I foresee it will, in a near future, help to modernize information systems, in an appropriate and perennial way. We at Obeo will certainly work in that direction!Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Laurent...

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Acceleo is entirely based on OCL (Object Constraint Language) for all of its model navigation syntax. Though we did simplify it as much as possible for Acceleo (getting rid of redundant casts, increasing the standard library, overriding operators, ...), there are still some things that might cause problems to any beginning user.Here are a few of the most unsettling language particularities :Operations or features conflicting with reserved OCL keywords (UML anyone?). For example, if your model has a class "Operation" with a feature named "body", then writing "myClass.body" in OCL will result in a somewhat cryptic error : "invalid token 'body'".The trick to access such features in OCL is to prefix the feature name with an underscore. For this example, you should have written "myClass._body".For the record, the full list of OCL reserved keywords as per the last available OCL version, 3.0, is as follows :andbodycontextdefderiveelseendifendpackageifimpliesininitinvletnotorpackagepostprestat...

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There are several improvements and bug fix :- Profiling now profile compilation of templates. EObjects profiling canbe also disabled. It's very useful when generating from big models.- EA models import has been improved- Some improvements have been done on resource caching- A template extender have been added. It allows to explicitly extendstemplate from a module. It relay on extension point.- It's now possible to add custom services as system services. For thoseservices the import statement is not required.- The import order error has been changed into a warning. For a more complete list you can visite the official Acceleo web site. To download this new version you can use this update site d'origineAuteur d'origine: yvan...

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Acceleo 2.7 has just been released. The Acceleo profiler has been improved in particular when generating from big models. A template extender was added; it allows to explicitly extend a template from an Acceleo module. Custom services can now be added as a system services. Several fixes were done on the models import from the Enterprise Architect modeler. Concerning the Acceleo modules, the C and Java modules have been improved. A new build is available on the update site.Furthermore some bugs have been fixed; you may want to have a look on the new and noteworthy page for the 2.7.0 release: "Acceleo modeling bundles" providing the Eclipse platform, Acceleo, its prerequisites have been updated. These bundles are the way to go if you want to test the power of modeling within Eclipse: They provide as usual the ATL workbench for model to model transformations, EMF Com...