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Acceleo 3.0 has just been released and it comes with compatibility with Eclipse 3.4, 3.5 and the latest 3.6 versions. Acceleo 3.0 is a pragmatic implementation of the OMG Model-to-text specification. It supports the developer with most of the features that can be expected from a top quality code generator IDE: simple syntax, efficient code generation, advanced tooling, features on par with the JDT... Acceleo also has a unique tooling around example-based design of code generators with all the pragmatism we had with the 2.x stream.Acceleo can be downloaded and installed in a number of ways. If you have an existing Eclipse installation and simply wish to install Acceleo in it, installing through the update site is the easiest way. If you'd rather install a new Eclipse with Acceleo, you may want to take a look at the facilities provided by the amalgamation project. Amalgamation is the project that leads the creation of the modeling bundle, it has an easy one click discover and install wiz...
Imagine you have a metamodel that reference other metamodels and you want to create a generator for this metamodel. Let's take an example :The first metamodel contains an EClass named Object that have a reference package of type EPackage. That create a reference to the ECore metamodel.First we have to create a template for the first metamodel :Object :Then we need to create the template :EPackage .And that's all. So you just need to create at least one template per metamodel and then inport them according to the way you navigate your metamodels.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: yvan...
Very sad day for french people, French team is probably out of the competition, thanks to Nicolas, Sidney and ... of course Raymond. Anyway, Here is the current rating in the Eclipse community :Came from the end of ranking ldelaigue lead now the game. lredor is second, arichard third and Jens fourth. Finally fmaillet is always in top 5.Sorry for Jonathan and Cédric who are now ranked 8th and 10th of the game. More information on : Forecast ranking.I've just added the source code of the Eclipse Worldcup Forecast application on the Eclipse CVS. You can find it in the test directory of the eef project. Here is a PSF file.Feel free to create you're own extension for the Eclipse WorldcupForecast Application ;)Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...

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3 days of world cup, we can do a first check of the game results :lredor and Cedric lead the game with 18 points. After, there is SMonnier, Jonathan and fmaillet with 17 points. Well played ! It's not too late to start playing if you want to join us in the game. To play, just download the application : windows windows64 linux linux64 macosx macosx64And add a new player. You're 18 points late but it remains 224 points to win !!To finish, let me remind you the process to validate your forecasts :Fill out your forecast in the applicationSave the modificationThen use the menu "World Cup Forecasts > Commit" to send your datasIf you not save before commit or you not commit, the default score (0-0) we be validate and use to compute your score !Let's play !Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...

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I believe most of the users of EMF (developers or adopters alike) have seen this message at least once; and most probably wondered what was going on :).This error message indicates that the package which NsURI is '*' hasn't been registered in the Package registry. Most of the time, that means you either a) launched your program standalone and didn't register the package correctly or b) you haven't installed the plug-in that provides that metamodel.With Acceleo, encountering this exception is even more likely than normal, as the launch configuration for our generations allow for both standalone or plug-in generations. Selecting standalone without registering the needed package will inevitably lead to this error.Solving it is easy : it is a matter of registering the needed packages (and, optionally, resource factories). How is it done? Here is the most classic example with UML :Package with uri '' not found.What do I need to do for my UML model to be...