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Yet another year that has passed very quickly. And what an exciting year. EEF became an Eclipse project and we have stabilized this component to allow most of EMF project to use it !We're currently finishing our integration into Athena, and we're adding some new cool features like a better EMF Validation integration ... You can follow our development with the EEF's New and Noteworthy page !Finally, I'd worked on the 2010 EEF roadmap and we plan to finish the automated tests generation, a EMF Databinding integration and some others cool stuff !Finally, here is a teaser of what you can expect of EEF : EEF in RCP applicationLien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...

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Obeo Agility is a proprietary product edited by Obeo. It's used for code migration. It parses legacy code into a model used for generating code for the targeted technology. We already parse and migrate millions of code lines from many languages (Cobol, Ada, PL1, ...). We finished a project for parsing 5 millions of code lines written in Natural. The goal for this project was not migrating the code, but automating code review. Reports are generated using... Acceleo.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: yvan...

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"Pour les idées que tu maquilles / Dans la tête des citoyens". Il faut quand même avoir un grand sens de l'humour pour apprendre que nous avons _juste_ 78 millions de doses de vaccins contre le grippe A en trop sur les 90 millions qui avaient été commandés à l'origine. Avec un peu de chance, l'état va arriver à annuler de façon plus que douteuse la moitié de la commande ce qui selon mes calcul ne fera plus que 28 millions de doses à brader.Que faire de ces doses ? Ça risque de ne pas être aussi simple à brader que les invendus de la saison précédente aux soldes. Certes c'est moche, certes personne n'en a voulu mais au moins ça peut servir. Nous voila avec des hangars entiers de vaccin contre un mal qui est deja passé et qui ne reviendra (ou au pire sous une forme mutée qui rendra le vaccin actuel inutilisable).Un échange interessant de 1 vaccin contre la grippe A contre 1 vaccin contre la stupidité pour être envisagé. Les membres de notre gouvernement ne sont pas 28 millions mais il es...

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I am now developing on the Eclipse Acceleo project. To get started I bring a feature form the old Acceleo project. I write a profiler for the new Acceleo. It's very similar to the old profiler. As you can see the screen shot show many statistics about the module execution. By double clicking on an element you can open its definition.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: yvan...

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Next week, November 17th, come in Paris to see Eclipse Community and news of Eclipse projects.I co-organise this event with Cedric Vidal , a very nice guy with lots of cool ideas on model driven and EMF, and we want to promote talks with live demos and few slides (I hate "slideware talks").We successSome very nice talks will be propose on Birt, XText, UI (with XWT and Wazaabi) and a "guess star" with an introduction of Mike Milinkovich (Executive Director of the Eclipse Fondation).Jonathan Musset will talk about the new features of Eclipse Acceleo project. This demo has been shown at Eclipse Summit Europe and was very impressive by the quality of the template editor which is perhaps the best editor of Eclipse platform, just after JDT.We will also make some demo of Obeo Designer, our Eclipse Modeling distribution with a new exciting tooling to create GMF designers without any Java code (during our demo, we will create from scratch a new nice designer).Info on the Eclipse wiki page:http:...