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Acceleo 3.1 has been released yesterday as part of the Eclipse 3.7 Indigo release train. So let’s have a look at some of the new features available in this release. Language improvements Support for documentation for templates, queries and modules. Support for TODO and FIXME Tooling improvements Improved real time error detections with new errors detected and warning support. Brand new wizard for the creation of new projects and new modules. Documentation in completion and hover Improved outline view with new actions to filter and sort templates and queries. Improved support for metamodels that have not been deployed in a plugin. New refactoring options (extract as query, pull up, generate documentation…) Acceleo runtime available as an Eclipse library for all Java projects. New preference menu to customize the colors of the Acceleo editor and to activate/deactivate some options of the generation. Better Ant and Maven support Acceleo 3.0 generates the ne...

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Next week the second edition on the Eclipse DemoCamp will take place at the Ecole des Mines de Nantes.Even if Nantes is specialized in Eclipse modeling technologies, we have this year an existing program with a good mix of modeling and non-modeling talks.6:15PM - 6:35PM: MoDisco & ATL (AtlanMod)6:35PM - 6:55PM: EMF Facet (Mia-Software)6:55PM - 7:15PM: EEF (Goulwen Le Fur, Obeo)7:45PM - 8:05PM: Memory Analyzer (Zenika)8:05PM - 8:25PM: Tycho (Pod Programming)8:25PM - 8:45PM: EGit (Obeo)8:45PM - 9:00PM: General Questions & Wrap-upIf you want to attend, please update the wiki page or contact me: d'origineAuteur d'origine: Freddy...

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I know you're all waiting for the Indigo release final bits ! These 0 and 1 are finding their way on the mirrors as I'm writing to make sure we'll get the smoothest release ever ;)So, you ends up waiting ... In the meantime, I'm going to show you a nice piece of technology which is not going to be a new feature is Indigo ... as it's been around a few years already ;)Maybe you had a look at Maven/Tycho, it definitely gained momentum this year, it's completely based on these pom.xml< files. I used them a few times already and even with the Minerva project (which helps a lot) I'm already in a love/hate relationship with those files. "When the wise man point at the model, the idiot looks at the XML "Hopefully Maven is providing an XSD here : which you can use to initiate an EMF model :Starting from an XSD is never as cool as starting from Ecore, but at least the EMF project can provide you an automatic mapping. And here is the mapped Ecore :If...

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Shortly after the 0.9 release, the Extended Editing Framework come in 1.0 version. This is the end of the incubation time for the project !Between these two releases, we mainly worked on the EMF generation with Acceleo. You will now be able to test it in the 1.0 version.If you have "EEF EMF Code generation" installed, on a right click on the genmodel, a new "EEF" menu is available. Two actions allow you to generate Edit and Editor code.This is a first experimental version. Do not hesitate to try it and to report us any problem on this new module.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...

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This week, I'll be in Toulouse, the aerospace city.Wednesday (June 22), we will start the Obeo Designer Roadshow, a serie of six steps in six different cities (Toulouse, Brest, Nantes, Paris, Niort and Lille).Each step of this roadshow will be organized in two parts: the morning will be dedicated to a presentation of the version 5.0 of Obeo Designer, presentations of case-studies by users and a panel to discuss about graphical DSLs.The afternoon will be more technical with Hands-On sessions: we have asked to each person to come with a case, and we will help them to implement their own graphical designer during the afternoon.In Toulouse, the case-studies will be presented by Pascal Roques of PRFC and Tristan Faure of Atos Origin.Thursday (June 23), I will attend Eclipse Party (the Indigo Demo Camp) and give a talk about JavaEE code generation with EEF and Acceleo.This Demo Camp, will be very intensive with two tracks and a lot of interesting talks (Topcased, Koneki, Closure, Birt, RCP, ...