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I announced in my latest message that the syntax highlighting colors of Acceleo would soon be configurable. Well, the preference page has now made its apparition and will definitely be available in the 3.1.0M7 build of Acceleo.If anyone would like to contribute, we're still missing import/export capabilities to make these color themes easier to share between Eclipses and colleagues; we'd gladly accept such contributions :).Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Laurent...

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Anyone want to guess the dependencies of the Acceleo runtime ?
Right now if you want to use the Acceleo runtime in a Java project you have to add the jars of the Acceleo runtime as external jars or even worst, you have to copy them in your Java project. In order to do that, you first have to find all the jars of the Acceleo runtime and their dependencies in your Eclipse installation folder. It is definitely not user friendly. Looking for the Acceleo runtime dependencies ? The Acceleo runtime will now be available directly from the Eclipse classpath configuration window. From there you will be able to easily add the Acceleo runtime or even the Acceleo compiler as a dependency of your project. This new feature will be available starting with Acceleo 3.1.0M7 along with the new syntax coloring preference menu and the OCL/Acceleo operations documentation in the Acceleo editor.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: sbegaudeau...

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The ATL homepage now makes use of the template provided by Heiko BehrensHere is the new appearance:I hope this will make ATL resources lookup easier !Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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In order to extend the Eclipse World Cup 2010 application with other modeling tools, I made a simple ATL transformation which helps football ignorants like me to improve their results...The ATL refining mode allow to modify an EMF resource in-place, by defining a minimal set of transformation rules. It is also possible to query informations from an input model.So I created the ATL module below, which updates a given forecast model - mine - by copying forecasts from another player - better than me :-) .The following screenshot shows my updated model, improved with the new results:Anyway, I didn't have to use that cheat as my initial forecasts were not bad at all !Related Links : The game: An RCP application created with EEF. Acceleo add-in: An Acceleo code generator to export the results in an HTML page. EMF Compare add-in : An action to compare your own forecasts with the best ones.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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ATL 3.1 will bring major enhancements, especially in the ATL source files editor. Here is a quick overview of the new features:Hover informationsOpen declaration (both available with F3 and Ctrl-click)And finally, the long-awaited advanced content assist... now working at any level on OCL expressions and enhanced with code templatesAt this time you can test those new features using latest ATL CVS (HEAD branch) source code.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...