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ATL 3.1 will provide a new feature which help to achieve ATL programmatic launch: the ATL plugin wizard. This utility first will ask you for transformation parameters (metamodels, libraries paths, transformation modules paths), like below:Then a new plug-in will be generated, embedding:the transformation modules and librariesa propery file containing URIs, atl file pathsa Java class which allow to programmatically launch the ATL transformationFinally you will be able to launch the transformation using the generated main, or integrating the launcher class into an existing application.You can test this new wizard using the last 3.1 Milestone build.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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Here is a good new for those who ever suffered reading ATL VM's stack traces: ATL3.0.0 provides console hyperlinks which allow to follow errors just by clicking, as you can see below.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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I recently discovered prefuse (better late than never) and the various examples made me imagine an ATL use case: creating several points of view from a given UML2 model. Let's see what it consists on, using for example a model standing for the ATL Virtual Machine structure.So, a pop-up dynamically launch a set of ATL transformation on a model:The Tree View shows a containment tree of classes and packages:The Graph View shows an association sub-net (with a lot of parameters... useless in our case but quite fun):Those views are quite simplistic - I didn't change original prefuse demos - but could be extended to display more data from the input model.This example, and other advanced model transformation techniques will be explained in the EclipseCon 2009 ATL tutorial.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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We've often had complaints about the default choice of colors we made for the Acceleo template editor :For example, people who like high contrast themes, or who'd rather develop with a white/green font on a black/gray background complained that this colors were unusable when using such backgrounds. And since we inherit the background color from the default "text editor background" color, this could give awful results :There were also those that simply didn't like to have "red" text in their code, since this color usually reflect an error of some kind :). As hinted from Stéphane's recent post, we've decided to make these colors customizable in Acceleo 3.1. And even though his "rainbow" theme was a little extreme (just in time for april's fool), it did show a number of the areas that now get individually customizable.We hope to include import/export facilities for these color schemes, and the rainbow scheme will most likely be included along with the default :).I know my editor will more...

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ATL 3.0.0 has just been successfully released, and introduce a lot of improvements at both UI and API level. Consult the News and Noteworthy page for more details.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...