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The latest stable release of Acceleo, version 3.1.1 included in Indigo SR1, is fresh from the oven; but development on the next version is already well underway. The upcoming version 3.2 already includes major improvements of the tooling performance (compilation time, completion proposal computation, memory management...), making the everyday use of the Acceleo editor much more appealing; and some of the planned features for this version are already in their finalization stage.The one feature I'll linger on here is the dynamic interpreter for Acceleo and OCL expressions that we implemented for this version. Typically, you develop your code generators within the Acceleo editor, making use of the advanced edition features such as completion proposals, live compilation and syntax error reporting, syntax highlighting ...However the editor itself cannot help you determine what a given expression will return as its result. When you are in the middle of a complex OCL expression, it is sometim...

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I had to find a solution for my backup/cloud drive needs lately. Dropbox works just fine, but the pricing is going high to fast as you want more space.A 1To / 100Mbs dedicated server is not that expensive and provides the nice perspective of more server/web oriented hacks later on.After trying a few open source projects in this regard (Syncany, Csync or SparkleShare) and keeping away from the desire of building my own, here is my short list :Sparkleshare is very nice for things which I want to keep versions of. I really like the fact that it's keeping everything in a git repository, any file manager providing git integration will then allow me to dig through the history of files. As I'm not interested in the fact that it works on multiple platforms (linux, mac and soon windows) I still have to check if a script launching automatic git add . && git commit && git push is not going to be as reliable as SparkleShare while being lighter.For non versioned directories, in...

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I was cleaning up my ${HOME} folder today and found a set of demos I prepared two years ago. I did this for a modeling course given at Polytech' . The course was about Model Driven Engineering, toward the end the student have to build a domain specific model for textual adventure games and then generate the corresponding Java app. Some students tend to go very far on this exercice buidling a fairly complex DSL.The following demos are here to given an idea to the student of what can be done in a few minutes : a simple Ecore modelAnd then a graphical modeler :And then we build Acceleo generator templates to directly map a game instance into its running Java code. It's a very interesting exercise, students are staying focused because it's about game, and at the same time it's a great example of the power of specific modeling. You don't design a game with an UML diagram, but building your own langage and using it you're quickly getting results and can evaluate many designs.Building the com...

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One of the thing we keep hearing from the adopters is : we need more doc, not just reference documentation but also how using and combining the Eclipse Modeling components.Richard Gronback's answer to these request was to write a book. But as we are living in a fast changing world filled with innovation it quickly got outdated.Reinaldo de Souza, a GSOC student did an amazing work as part of the Amalgamation Project. He did prepare an awesome cross-modeling components tutorials : the design of an Android DSL using Ecore, providing a textual syntax using XText, customizing EMF editors using EEF up to generating the Android code using Acceleo.The EMF domain model and Eclipse editors Textual syntax for the DSL : to generate the Android code : is more than just a start, it really is a complete tutorial wit...

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Want to know how we tackle collaborative modeling @ Obeo ? Want to see live demos of consistent optimistic or painless pessimistic strategies ? Want to see more of what is going on mixing Mylyn and EMF/GEF/GMF ? Want to see live collaborative UI based on CDO/Dawn ?Benjamin Muskalla (Tasktop), Martin Fluegge and I did prepare something for you.All you have to do is to vote for this talk and come to EclipseCon Europe !Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Cédric Brun...