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  Where the Australian Capella Community Meets   This second edition of the Capella Oz Meet-Up will take place in Sydney on October 22nd. This in-person event is a unique opportunity for Capella users and enthusiasts to gather, exchange ideas, and share their experiences.   Location Thales Sydney Olympic Park7 Murray Rose Ave, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 Agenda 5:00 PM: Welcome 5:15 PM: Introductory Presentation by Romain Horcada (Obeo) 5:30 PM: "Before and After" Presentation of the Lunar Rover Capella Model: Developed by SIRI and Enhanced Through Two Review Sessions with Tim Carter’s Expertise + Q&A 6:15 PM: Presentation of a Capella model by Steven Spencer + Q&A 7:30 PM: Networking and Exchanges 8:00 PM: End of the event Register now and secure your spot!    ...
Tagged in: capella MBSE obeo tutorial

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Obeo is at the October meeting of the INCOSE Atlanta Chapter!   Stéphane Lacrampe will introduce SysON MBSE Tool, an open-source tool supporting the SysML v2 graphical specification. The talk will highlight its current capabilities, demo features, and discuss how open-source tools will shape the future of digital engineering.Food and networking for in-person attendees at 5:30 PM US ET, followed by the talk at 6:00 PM US ET.Don't miss this chance to connect with fellow professionals and gain valuable knowledge!More details here:  ...

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How much waste did we gather this year?   On October 3rd, we participated in World Cleanup Day in the La Fleuriaye business area and its surroundings in Carquefou, where our headquarters is located. Co-organized by Obeo, Wiztivi, and GIE La Fleuriaye, the cleanup brought together 26 people from 10 different companies. In total, we collected 30.25 kg of waste in one hour, including: 11.5 kg of recyclable waste 5.8 kg of residual waste 8 kg of glass 900 cigarette butts, equivalent to 1.5 liters or 450 grams 4.5 kg of unusual waste: 1 bumper piece, 1 e-cigarette, 1 plexiglass board, wooden planks (signage) This is slightly less than last year (50 kg). However, we still found as many cigarette butts and a bit more recyclable waste. This report has been sent to the World Cleanup Day - France association to be counted at both the national and global levels. A big thank you to all the participants, and see you at the next edition!  ...

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INCOSE Singapore: Systems Engineering Day 2024   Obeo is proud to exhibit at Systems Engineering Day organized by INCOSE Singapore Chapter! It will be held at York Hotel in Singapore the 26-27 of September, 2024. The theme this year is "MBSE towards Digital Engineering, AI, and promoting INCOSE certification". Come and meet Thibault FRANCE at our booth!    ...

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The 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS)    Obeo is proud to be a sponsor of the MODELS 24 International Conference! Cédric Brun presents his talk "Advancing Web-Based Modeling Tools with Sirius Web: An Illustration with SysON" on September 24, 2024, for insights into the future of web-based modeling solutions and their practical application with SysON.        We are also proud to sponsor FAME, the 1st International School on Foundations and Advances of Model-Based Engineering, a major event for students: