
Press Release Paris and Nantes, France - October 10, 2023                  Shaping the Future of Model-Based Engineering   CEA-List and Obeo have initiated a collaboration to share their extensive, long-term experience in developing model-based software to serve a long-term vision for the web-based engineering tools of the future. The outcome will be multi-enterprise collaborative solutions, offering an augmented user experience and supporting emerging standards, like SysMLv2.   In many industrial sectors, customers are requesting increasingly connected products. They also have rising expectations concerning safety, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Meeting these demands necessitates an exceptionally modular and multidisciplinary approach, resulting in high complexity. For many years, model-based engineering, which leverages abstraction, computation and visualization, has demonstrated its ability to address this com...
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Watch the replay of the Capella Webinar of October 5th 2023! A Model Based System Architecture Methodology Leveraging the ARCADIA Method   System Architecture, its derived requirements and systems analysis performed, are often attributed to defining 70% of the cost and capabilities of a system. However, after nearly two decades of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), there is a lack of architecture focused methodologies and tools to aid programs in creating a robust, transdisciplinary system architecture. One notable exception is the Thales developed Architecture Analysis and Design Integrated Approach (ARCADIA) method and associated Capella modeling tool. The ARCADIA Architecture Development Method (ADM) provides instance-based methodologies for each ADM step with rich viewpoints and views to ensure a robust architecture is obtained. As the goal of the proposed methodology is to rapidly create a robust, transdisciplinary system architecture, ARCADIA was selected for its ...

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Exciting Announcement: Thrilling Partnership Between Obeo and JSOL Corporation  We are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership between Obeo and JSOL Corporation, a group company of NTT DATA and The Japan Research Institute. This partnership marks a pivotal moment as Obeo and JSOL join forces to bring the power of #MBSE and #Capella to the Japanese market. Obeo's profiency and solutions in MBSE, combined with JSOL's deep-rooted understanding of the Japanese industry landscape, creates an unparalleled synergy. Together, we are committed to driving innovation, efficiency, and excellence in systems engineering and MBSE practices. We invite all our valued partners, clients, and friends in the Capella community to join us on this exciting journey. Stay tuned for updates, insights, and success stories as we are committed to working hand in hand with JSOL to provide all MBSE practitioners in Japan with best-in-class expertise in Systems Engineering methods...

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Watch the replay of the Capella Webinar (September 14th, 2023)   Digitally Assisted Design for Safety   Is your system robust to the loss of one or more functions? Does your system require interaction with other systems to operate safely?Does the design and operational concept of the system include contingency means? Do these contingency means correctly mitigate the risks? These and other similar considerations are becoming more important with the emergence of autonomous systems and complex systems of systems. The introduction of digital tools and in particular model-based systems engineering allows to capture the complexity of these products starting from the operational analysis and supporting the process throughout the whole product life cycle. With ATICA, system architects and designers will be able to analyze safety implications starting from the conceptual needs and mission description; modeling risks associated to the system, assessing the probability of occurren...
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Participe do webinar em 11 de julho de 2023 Assista ao replay   PdQSat: Aplicação MBSE em um projeto universitário   Neste webinar, Bruna Queiroz e Maria Letícia Fraga compartilharão sua experiência no uso do Capella para o desenvolvimento e propostas da arquitetura do PdQSat, um CubeSat desenvolvido pela Escola de Engenharia da UFMG e pelo Instituto de Ciências Exatas da UFMG.O PdQSat é um projeto multidisciplinar com duas missões, uma de cunho tecnológico para caracterização de uma bateria de Li-S e um micro-supercapacitor, e outra missão voltada para o desenvolvimento educacional de estudantes e professores de diversas áreas da engenharia. Nesse contexto, MBSE foi utilizado para apoiar a análise do sistema e seu contexto, melhorar a comunicação entre os interessados e aumentar a qualidade do sistema final.Junte-se a este webinar para descobrir como o MBSE e o Capella ajudaram a equipe a capturar e analisar o contexto operacional e as funções do sistema, além de projet...
Tagged in: capella MBSE webinar