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Obeo and INRIA organize an Eclipse DemoCamp at Nantes on the 8th of July:'t be afraid, we looked at the world cup agenda and there will be no game on this day! So you could attend quietly and maybe take a break about soccer for few hours.However don't miss the first Eclipse World cup experience where I hope lot of people will join us (Go! Go! Go France!). If you're interested, take a look to the post made by Goulwen.For the DemoCamp, we have started to work on the agenda and already several interesting demos will be presented: Acceleo by Obeo, MoDisco by Mia-software, WTP by Serli and more to come.If you want to propose a demo or simply attend, please sign up on the wiki.See you in Nantes!Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Freddy...

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The Acceleo homepage now makes use of the template provided by Heiko Behrens.You've seen it with MoDisco, you've seen it with Xtext, it's now our turn to change skin :).This also makes use of the changes brought to the CSS by Fred Madiot.Thanks to both of them !Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Laurent...

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Eclipse and Google announced Eclipse Labs. It has been a long awaited initiative from the community. This is an opportunity for anyone creating an Eclipse-based software to be exposed as a part of the Eclipse Ecosystem. The hosting system is based on Google Code project hosting. It is even possible to migrate projects already hosted at Google. All details can be found in the FAQ.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Mika...

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On common need you may have when working with EMF, it to build an index of elements by their type. In this post index will be an instance of the Multimap class of Google Collections (basically, it is an abstraction of Map<K, Collection<V>>).Let's say we have an EMF Resource named eResource.First, we get the whole contents in an Iterable and we give it to the index() method of the Multimaps class and the EObjects.eClass Function as the indexing function.Iterable<EObject> descendants = descendant.of(eResource);Multimap<EClass, EObject> descendantsByEClass = Multimaps.index(descendants, EObjects.eClass);This is a strict index that does not index elements regarding their EClass supertypes' hierarchy. For instance if have an EClass referenced by a variable named b_EClass, descendantsByEClass.get(b_EClass) will return all elements having b_EClass as their EClass, but it will not return elements having a subclass of b_EClass as their own EClass:EClass a, b; // b inherits ...

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The EMFPath project is now available on EclipseLabs.EMFPath is a Java framework based on Google Collections for browsing / editing EMF models. It has a concise and DSL-like API and has been designed with performance in mind.There are no binary build yet, the API is still in Beta stage and then subject to change. It also lacks some documentations like a "Quick start", but everything is released so you can use it today. are welcome to provide feedback / comments / reviews / contributions ;)Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Mika...