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Have you ever been stuck with an EMF model, trying to find what was going wrong? Which relation is broken or missing ? Where is that model element which should be there, related to that other one ? How many instances this EClass has in the model ?Of course, you can use the EMF reflexive editor. It is suitable for small models, but when your model contains a lot of model elements it is hard to find your way (you must start from the roots elements, you don't see the name of the relations between the objects, the tree doesn't show the objects pointed by non-containment relations, etc).So, if you really need this kind of information (and if you are not an expert in reading XMI files in plain text), the model browser provided by MoDisco is a solution for you.To allow inspecting the details of large and complex EMF models, MoDisco (the Eclipse/modeling project dedicated to Software Modernization) provides an editor with lots of interesting features. After MoDisco installation, you can right-...

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The following message is posted on this blog on behalf of Patrick KönemannCédric already announced it two weeks ago: MPatch is integrated into EMF Compare!Did you ever want to transfer changes from one model to another?Or do you frequently perform the same changes on your models?MPatch is a technology that stores model changes as self-contained artifacts, just like patches, that are also applicable to other models! Let me show an example of how MPatch works:This is just a simple model, a base version on the left and a modified version on the right.Modeled with the IBM Rational Software Architect, but any kind of EMF model is supported.The changes are highlighted: 3 deleted attributes, 1 updated attribute, 1 new class, 3 new generalizations.EMF Compare is a nice tool for calculating such changes. The result is shown below.All changes are nicely highlighted in the treeviews and one can browse through them.This is where MPatch comes into play: the export menu lists a new option!An export ...

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The Open World Forum took place in Paris on September 30 and October 1. This was a great opportunity to discover open source tools and technologies, as well as getting to know great people of this field. The 2010 edition has attracted over 1500 participants from 40 countries!Obeo was present and demonstrated the use of Acceleo 3 to generate android applications, this demo earned us the Demo Cup 2010 award! This award is given to recognize the most innovative and game-changer open source solution in its marketplace.Acceleo, selected from 13 top nominees, received one of five prestigious trophies at the closing ceremony of the Open World Forum, awarded by a jury consisting of leading international experts in the open source world. After the Eclipse Community Award in 2009, this prize recognizes the constant efforts of the Acceleo team & community to provide a powerful tool of the highest quality. Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Laurent...

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After my post explaining how to create EMF models from JSP pages, someone posted a comment on TheServerSide to know if the EMF model could be used to detect loops in the JSP ( fact, you can integrate loops in a JSP with several ways. The EMF model will represent these ways differently.If you write a scriptlet containing a loop in Java (for, while, ...):the EMF model created from this JSP will contain a JSPScriptlet object which contains the text of the scriptlet. The discoverer currently provided by MoDisco does not parse the content of the scriptlet. It will be provided in a future version (after Indigo) by using the Java metamodel to represent the Java fragments contained in a scriptlet.Another way for looping in a JSP can be achieved by using the "forEach" tag:In this case, the EMF model will contain a JSPAction object whith the name of the tag ("c:forEach" here):This EMF object contains children which are the attribute...

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The next release of MoDisco (version 0.9) is under development and is planned to be released with Indigo. This release will come with new components for creating EMF models from the source code of JEE applications. The current version (version 0.8) already provides components for creating EMF models from java source code (see this older post). In next version, new components will be dedicated to JSP reverse-engineering. They have been developped by Fabien Giquel and Nicolas Guyomar of Mia-Software. They are composed of:a metamodel for describing a JSPa discoverer for creating a model from a set of JSP pagesa generator for generating JSP pages from a modelThe JSP metamodel (defined with Ecore) is an extention of the XML metamodel (also provided by MoDisco) which contains types such as Page, JSPScriptlet, JSPExpression, JSPTagLib, etc.The discoverer, is a component which analyzes JSP pages and creates an EMF model conforming to the JSP metamodel. It can be launched from a project, or dir...