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I started Scala few months ago and since then I’m loving it. At the beginning, I’ve started by creating basic Scala applications in order to learn the language and after that I moved to small prototypes that I will present and improve in the months to come. Quickly I was impressed by the structure of the Scala language and I started to look for a Scala metamodel in order to study the concepts of this language. Without any surprise, I didn’t found anything except a few people who were also looking for a Scala metamodel. Well since I am familiar with modeling technologies, I had to try to create a metamodel of Scala by myself, and you know me, if I have a metamodel, I have to generate code out of it. This generator uses a PSM to generate scala source code. You can create the Scala model with the good old tree based EMF editor. For those who want to have fun, you can also grab an evaluation version of Obeo Designer and try to create diagrams for Scala. In less than five ...

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During the last few days, I have been prototyping some new stuff but contrary to some of my previous experiments, this time I will not try to create something new, I’ll try to improve an existing component of Acceleo, the Acceleo parser. The current situation For this experiment, I choose to concentrate my effort on the analysis of the text. For those who are not familiar with parsing and more specifically the Acceleo parser, here is how its working: Acceleo parses the text in a given file to create an abstract syntax tree representing the different parts of the text (module declaration, templates queries, if blocks, etc) Then Acceleo resolves the links between modules (module A is extending module B, module B is importing module C, etc) After that, Acceleo uses the MDT OCL project to parse the OCL expressions (guards, body of the queries and OCL expressions in templates, etc) During all those steps, we are also detecting some potential errors here and there. In the first part, w...

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Thursday 30/06 in Nantes, AtlanMod, Obeo and Mia-Software will organize an Eclipse Demo Camp.The program is rich with the presentation of seven projects coming with the Indigo Simultaneous Release.Four of these projects are developped in Nantes! MoDisco (Model-Driven Modernization)ATL (Model to Model transformation)EMF Facet (Non-intrusive metamodel extensibility)EEF (Model extended editors)The three other projects which will be presented areMemory Analyzer Tycho (Building Eclipseplug-ins with Maven)EGit (Eclipse plug-in for Git)The Demo Camp will start at 6:00 PM at Ecole des Mines de Nantes.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Fred...

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Indigo is now out and about; another great release shipped on time. I am always amazed that the Eclipse community manages to release each year on schedule. Congratulations to all that help make it happen!EMF Compare 1.2.0 was part of the train again this year, I recently blogged about the new and noteworthy of that release. Now that the train has arrived, we can think of what to do next... and it looks like a busy year is coming EMF Compare! Further integration with the Team framework, graphical comparison...Here is a quick peek of what EMF Compare could look like for Eclipse Juno next year :Logical Resources supportUp until now, we've considered that EMF models were tied to physical files, one EMF Resource being one File on the disk. That is true in some cases ... but in many others, a "model" is not really a "file". One file holding an EMF Resource (let's call it "library") can reference multiple other EMF Resources ("books" and "writers"), and it can even be split into multiple phys...

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It’s been a long time since I’ve worked on the unit testing framework for Acceleo. At that time, I had all the basis for the framework but I was missing some key elements and few hours of work to have a working prototype. Now that Acceleo 3.1 has been released, I had a bit more time to try and experiment and now I do have my working prototype. First of all, it is still a prototype, as such it is still a bit raw and I have identify several new JUnit based annotations and some other utility operations that I should add to this framework in order to make it very easy for people to test their templates and queries. I also had to fork and override some key elements of the Acceleo engine in order to be able to access some elements of the OCL environment. I would need new APIs in Acceleo in order to handle unit testing of queries. Since I didn’t want to have to touch any piece of code of Acceleo for this work, I didn’t create those APIs. Right now, I could easily eval...