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Laurent is working on an Interpreter View for Acceleo 3.2 (coming soon)It feels good already, one can launch queries on any Editor or View, syntax higlighting works and so is completion proposals. Compilation errors are shown too. It's the perfect companion for building your code generator, once you'll start using it you will wonder how you could live without it beforeBy the way Laurent is going to give more detail about it quite soon..Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Cédric Brun...

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This year, I will try to present two talks to EclipseCon Europe about the Extended Editing Framework (EEF) and more generally Eclipse Modeling : Scientific application redesign in oil industry with Eclipse Modeling and 25 min to take care of your end users with EEF!. Scientific application redesign in oil industry with Eclipse Modeling This first talk deals with a work we made with IFP energies nouvelles (IFPEN) for redesign a part of its platform OpenFlow. IFPEN develops and provides a platform aiming at creating scientific softwares for oil production industry. This platform offers several services like tools helping creation of graphical user interfaces or a communication framework to send data to supercomputers. The communication part of the suite is fully operational but can be really improved, mainly in the way the communications are described. The work with IFPEN was to create a communication designer with EcoreTools and to generate all the communication layer of the IFPE...

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Performance is a feature, your users are needing it and so is your product. The code is changing, always, keeping track of the effect of those changes on the performance is not easy but it is as important as fixing bugs. You don't control what you don't measure. The Eclipse Platform built a performance measure framework for their own needs. The API is pretty simple but the implementation, on the other hand is quite complex, querying for instance system specific commands to retrieve the memory state depending on the platform. Launching a performance test built with this is not easy, neither is getting the result in a human readable way. Our needs were not as complex as the platform ones, we're not trying to measure the number of microseconds a Shell needs to be instantiated on every platform, we're not trying to launch thousands of performance tests for each of our component. We decided to write a small framework to measure performance, Pierre-Charles did the first iteration and I'm ap...

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EMF Compare, or how to provide meaningful comparison algorithms and visualization for models. Comparing the models' XMI serializations as text is a chore that we should never have to go back to, and EMF Compare has always strived at doing the best possible job towards that end. Who would rather compare their models textually : Than compare them logically (yes, these are the same models as above) : However, EMF Compare still had issues with most algorithm : small errors when matching elements together, differences that weren't detected ... and worst of all : merging all diffs from one side to the other rarely gave the expected result of "two identical models", i.e : if the comparison process in itself was working fairly well, we had a huge number of failures when merging. We've decided to tackle this problem the way we should have from the very start : list all potential differences that can be observed between two models ... and create the corresponding unit test! The results ar...

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Scala is a great functional and object oriented programming language. It can be very easily integrated in a Java based application. When you create an Acceleo generator, Acceleo generates a Java class to launch your generation easily. You can use this class from any Scala based application without any difficulties but if you really want to have a pure Scala based application, why would you want to manipulate this Java class, why not replace it with Scala? So while I was still playing with Scala, I’ve decided to create an Acceleo launcher and its matching UI plugin directly in Scala. For those who are not familiar with Scala, not only can you call Java code from Scala, you can also inherit from Java classes and much more. I invite you to have a look at this great language on its official website. For those of you who were looking for an Acceleo generator to generate Scala source code, you should definitely have a look at this. If you just want to use Acceleo in a Scala based envi...