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Watch the replay:      E/E systems and cyber-physical systems are carrying out more and more advanced and safety critical features in many domains such as transport, energy, industry, farming, medical, etc. Therefore, during last few years, to manage the development of those complex systems, companies have moved from a document-based approach to a model-based approach associated with very specific tools. However, system and safety engineering, and some other related engineering domains like cybersecurity for instance, are still too often conducted independently, whereas safety and system attributes are largely interdependent. There is a need to foster greater collaboration between these disciplines to avoid errors and also to maintain time-to-market. That's why since several years, ALL4TEC, with its safety analysis tool Safety Architect, has been working to connect its tool with system solutions to couple MBSE and MBSA. The goal is to better ensure consistency bet...

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Thursday, April 7th, 2022 - 5:00 PM CET / 11:00 AM EST  This webinar has ended, but feel free to watch the recording.    2022, here we are! It's the perfect time to take a look back at 2021 and make plans for 2022! In this webinar, Juan Navas presents the major events of 2021, the roadmap for 2022, and the main features included in the latest version of Capella.   Juan Navas is MBSE Expert in Thales Corporate Engineering. He leads the team that accompanies managers and architects implement MBSE practices on operational projects to improve their engineering performance. He is a System Architect with +10 years’ experience, he holds a PhD in Computer Science, an MSc in control and computer science, and Electronics and Electrical Engineering Degrees....

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This webinar was held on Tursday, April 21st. Discover the replay:   Nowadays, we are surrounded by system of systems, autonomous systems, interconnected systems or distributed heterogeneous systems with an increase in architecture complexity. Keeping these systems operational is a challenge as the number of potential failures which may affect their availability also increases drastically. In order to optimize availability, maintenance activities have to be designed within the design phase of the system. Whatever the implementation choice, detection, diagnostic or prevention of failures require tests. The goal for autonomous systems also pushes towards embedded detection and prevention capabilities and thus arguing and decision making between system engineers and maintenance engineers to share solutions in their respective activities. In this presentation, we talk about the ability of a system designed with Capella to be tested : what are the interconnections between eng...
Tagged in: capella MBSE webinar