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Discover the replay of the webinar (Thursday, December 19th, 2023) Making Arcadia work for you - a look at framework tailoring in Thales UK   Architecture frameworks provide an approach to describing systems and the presentation of these elements and relationships to deliver the stakeholder needs. Essentially, frameworks provide templates for our engineering artefacts.The design of a framework must accommodate a level of freedom in its usage; specific enough to answer the majority of stakeholder concerns, whilst generic enough to allow for differences between projects. This balancing act often results in framework design being more generic to allow for a wider audience. Having an untailored framework, which is more ‘open’, can lead to creating inconsistent viewpoints.Arcadia is one such framework as implemented through the Capella tool. The framework provides 4 perspectives/levels for product definition:- The Operational Analysis, where the user needs are considered. Note: n...
Tagged in: capella MBSE Thales webinar
Watch the replay:      GfSE local - Der lange Weg vom Angebot zum Projekt, unterstützt durch Capella Co-organized by Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering e.V. and Obeo The lecture shows the "long way" from the offer model to a project model in Capella®. In addition to questions such as "What can be reused from the quotation model?" or "How can we quickly increase the number of system architects working on the project?" , some of the pitfalls on this path are also presented. The following key statements result from the experience of using ARCADIA and Capella® even in the early phases of a project: The methodology and the tool can also be used profitably in an offer phase, if you limit yourself to the necessary parts, so that the offer team gets a uniform view of the design.This offer model can be used in the implementation project, whereby the focus is on the functional aspects and their description.Focusing on critical areas, such as functions that have a safety...
Tagged in: capella MBSE webinar

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Capella Days 2022, organized by Obeo and Thales, brings together the community of Capella and Arcadia: creators of this innovative systems engineering solution, providers of Capella add-ons and services, MBSE experts and industrial users. Mainly featuring Capella complimentary tools and add-ons, in 2022 we decided to focus on industrial MBSE case-studies. Check-out the program featuring nine interesting talks from Capella's feedback on their experience from different engineering domains: ESI-TNO / Thermo Fisher Scientific PGM / COMAC Thales Defense Mission Systems Saratech CILAS - Ariane Group Naval Group Siemens DIS Politecnico di Milano Thales Avionic Systems  ...

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Watch the replay:  Model Simulation and Analysis in Capella Through a large number of engineering practices in China, we found that customers not only pay attention to how the object product can be modeled more quickly and reasonably, but also pay attention to the correctness of the model itself. Therefore, the simulability and analyzability of the model are very important. Users expect Capella to provide value in logic simulation and parametric analysis. According to the needs of customers, improvements have been made in the following aspects: 1. We decided to add the concept and related elements of activity diagrams in Sysml to Capella to make the function flow executable;2. Referring to the state machine specification in Sysml, we assign dynamic execution rules to the elements in the Capella state machine so that they can be simulated and operated;3. Support nested calls and interrupt logic between state machines and activity diagrams to enrich the simulation scenarios.4....

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Watch the replay:   SES ENGINEERING Studio: Achieving the perfect equilibrium between Textual Requirements and Models in Capella enhanced by Automatic Interoperability, Quality & Traceability operations. The importance of models is imperative in any Systems Engineering project. However, truth is not exclusively found within models. The need to describe external contracts, regulations, or non-functional requirements, for instance, can be more efficiently satisfied by using textual specifications. In order to achieve the desired “Common Source of Truth”, model and textual requirements must be connected and coexist, desirable enhanced by the automatization of the consistency checking, automatically modifying one side when changes are produced on the other end... Within The REUSE Company, we have realised how crucial it is to facilitate this connection and provide Systems Engineers with the tools required for applying SE across the entire process as seamlessly as possible. Th...
Tagged in: capella MBSE