SiriusCon 2020: last call :)

SiriusCon Live 2020 is a free online event where attendees can benefit from users feedback and advanced features presentations on Eclipse Sirius.
This Thursday we will open the 5th edition of this graphical modeling conference, and the 2nd one organized online.
We made this choice in 2018 since we wanted an event which looks like its community: worldwide, from different professional sectors, and really curious and hungry for new features, learning from Sirius experts and discovering new use-cases!
Well good news for the Sirius community: the SiriusCon Live 2020 edition will get all these ingredients and even more spices!
Be warned, there will be a huge announcement about Obeo Cloud Platform! We know, you may not even know what is OCP.
Just one solution to discover it, register for SiriusCon and enjoy your conference!
In 2020, we are pleased to welcome 13 speakers talking from Germany, France, Spain and even Australia!
You can still discover the agenda and even get a few more details about:
- SiriusCon 2020: IRI Workbench, a Complete Graphical Data Management Environment Built on Eclipse with Sirius
- SiriusCon 2020: Model-Based Safety Analysis and Integration with Capella (a MBSE tool based on Sirius)
- SiriusCon 2020: SmartMDSD Toolchain, an IDE for Robotics Software
- SiriusCon 2020: Multicore Automotive Software Development by BOSCH
- and of course, SiriusCon 2020: Sirius to the Web with Obeo Cloud Platform
Almost 400 participants have registered and we are looking forward to ‘meeting’ them on Thursday afternoon 1.45 pm to 6 pm CET :)
Still time for you to join if you haven’t sign in:
See you on Thursday!