
Here are my slides I presented at the 2nd Biannual Symposium on Eclipse Open SourceSoftware & OMG Open Specifications in Minneapolis.I spoke about our experiences with Acceleo to implement the MOF-to-Text Language specification. At the end of my talk, I explain problems we had about sharing our feedback about specs with the OMG organisation. OMG guys was very interested about this and I hope it will simplify some collaboration beetween Eclipse community and OMG spec writers.Here is the abstract:"When OMG tackled the standardization of an M2T syntax with the MOF Model to Text Language specification, commiters decided to rewrite Acceleo from scratch as an official Eclipse Foundation project, changing the syntax to the OMG standard while keeping the exemplary tooling and pragmatism of With Acceleo 3.0 included in Eclipse 3.6, our new goal is to provide the de facto or reference implementation of the standard; however, so...

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I was very busy theses last week, but now It's ok, I'm ready for ESE 2010. What a another new exciting experience ! Thanks a lot to the program committee to have validated my talk EEF, present, past and future.I do my presentation Wednesday at 16h in Silchersaal. My slides are already on slideshareI hope we can meet during the summit and discuss about sexy properties ;)Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Goulwen...

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In this sequence of posts, I explain how to use the Model Browser provided by MoDisco to inspect an EMF model.In the first two posts, I have described how to directly access to instances of a given type, and how to navigate through the model elements. In this third post, I will now describe how to customize the browser.When your model contains a large number of model elements, you need help to identify the nature of the objects your are looking for. A good idea is to define a graphical extension to associate a specific graphical rendering (icon, label, color, etc). It can be achieved with the EMF.Edit framework by developing content and label provider classes. You can develop and deploy a new plug-in, and once this plug-in is installed, the customization is applied systematically. But in some situations, you need a more flexible customization. A customization which presents the model according to a given viewpoint. A customizations that you apply temp...

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We're working a lot on Obeo Designer 5.0 - release planned for Q1 2011 , on the traceability support and the next-gen model to text transformation language.Concerning the editing and diagraming support changes are more subtles though powerful. Here is a quick glimpse on the latest milestone :The most visible change is the work on the diagram ergonomy, the user interface has been cleanup, streamlined and features are more accessible. The global toolbar has been replaced with a dedicated toolbar embedded in the diagram editor providing access to the filters and the enablement of layers. The contextual actions have been re-organized too.If you're used to nice Eclipse editors you'll be happy to learn that the "Quick Outline" (summoned thanks to CTRL+O) is available in the diagrams now.Just type in any word here, and the corresponding model element will be revealed in your diagram.More interesting is the redesigned support for diagrams ! You can, for any kind of model being UML or your ow...

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In this sequence of posts, I explain how to use the Model Browser provided by MoDisco to inspect an EMF model.In the first post, I have described the Types panel which allows to directly access to all the EMF instances of a given EClass. In this second post, I will now describe the Instances panel which allows to inspect an EMF object and navigate to all the other connected EMF objects.This panel is a tree containing all the instances of the type selected in the Type panel. If you open a model element, you can see all its properties: the attributes and the references declared by the type (the metaclass) in the corresponding ECore model (the metamodel).The attributes are displayed with a green bullet and the value of the selected instance. The references are displayed with an icon inspired by UML associations: containment references have a diamond (like UML compositions), references with no opposite are terminated by an arrow (like UML navigable roles). Derived properties are prefixed b...