
Posted on in Blog
We are pretty active in Eclipse:building the technology to generate code or text from modelslowering the "system" versus "doc" barrierproviding a cool UI generation technology to pimp your editorsenabling model to model transformationsbuilding the Modeling packageenabling team work on models using your favorite SCM making sure graphical Ecore modeling is still a reality (HELP WELCOME)mentoring new projectsreporting and fixing bugs on several other projects.organizing or sponsoring Eclipse related eventsI'd love to show all these things during EclipseCon, especially considering things are happening for  every single project listed here(*). There is just not enough time and many other interesting things to cover in such a short event but feel free to come and talk to us during the conference. On the other hand we are giving several talks worth mentionning :You did not knew Acceleo was an implementation of an OMG standa...
Lately I've been making sure the upcoming Designer 6.0 release still plays well with Xtext. Results : fairly good. The newly introduced "Modeling Project" let you behave with your Xtext models just like any other kind of models. Everything is synchronized, you can edit using the Xtext Editor, or using the Graphical modeler and the other one gets automatically refreshed. It just feels right.One identified glitch so far : Xtext DSL's having references to JVM types might need a bit more work.CDO, Xtext, Acceleo ... the product allows you to leverage the Eclipse Modeling ecosystem while having a huge productivity boost defining modeling environments. Of course we can still argue whether the state machine is more readable using the text or the diagram ;)Some niceties are visible for those who want to have a deeper look :the State "Soon" has a specific grayish style because it's not linked to transition (incoming or outgoing)the Transition to Event blue dash link uses the "Edge on Edge"...
Lately I've been making sure the upcoming Designer 6.0 release still plays well with Xtext. Results : fairly good. The newly introduced "Modeling Project" let you behave with your Xtext models just like any other kind of models. Everything is synchronized, you can edit using the Xtext Editor, or using the Graphical modeler and the other one gets automatically refreshed. It just feels right.One identified glitch so far : Xtext DSL's having references to JVM types might need a bit more work.CDO, Xtext, Acceleo ... the product allows you to leverage the Eclipse Modeling ecosystem while having a huge productivity boost defining modeling environments. Of course we can still argue whether the state machine is more readable using the text or the diagram ;)Some niceties are visible for those who want to have a deeper look :the State "Soon" has a specific grayish style because it's not linked to transition (incoming or outgoing)the Transition to Event blue dash link uses the "Edge on Edge"...
Lately I've been making sure the upcoming Designer 6.0 release still plays well with Xtext. Results : fairly good. The newly introduced "Modeling Project" let you behave with your Xtext models just like any other kind of models. Everything is synchronized, you can edit using the Xtext Editor, or using the Graphical modeler and the other one gets automatically refreshed. It just feels right.One identified glitch so far : Xtext DSL's having references to JVM types might need a bit more work.CDO, Xtext, Acceleo ... the product allows you to leverage the Eclipse Modeling ecosystem while having a huge productivity boost defining modeling environments. Of course we can still argue whether the state machine is more readable using the text or the diagram ;)Some niceties are visible for those who want to have a deeper look :the State "Soon" has a specific grayish style because it's not linked to transition (incoming or outgoing)the Transition to Event blue dash link uses the "Edge on Edge"...

Posted on in Blog
Since I am currently working on the Javascript/HTML/CSS prototype for the EclipseCon Modeling tutorial during which we will see how to use a model driven approach to build web applications, I have decided to try Orion. For those who don’t know Orion, it is one of the latest projects of the Eclipse foundation and it can be sum up as a web based development environment. Right know, the Orion team is focused on building a development environment for web developers which is logical since they want to use Orion to build Orion. So I tried Orion 0.4 M2 during a few hours to work on this Javascript project. Orion was surprisingly easy to install and to start, with a file to unzip and an “.exe” file to double click on. Once launched, you can clone a git repository and start working very quickly. In Orion, a “regular Eclipse workbench” is represented by several pages that you can open in different tabs and while you can find most of the features needed to work, you ...