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If you've used EMF editors you probably already have seen this kind of dialog :This happens when you did change your model and some external changes (aka somebody else changed your file) happened before you pressed "save".  This is not only an EMF problem, any editor has kind of problematic. Either way the end user have a very hard time undestanding why he has to pick one or the other version as most of the time these changes are not conflicting !Is that the best we can do ?  Another option is to compare both versions, detect conflicts, and if there is no conflicts, just merge the changes.Here I changed the number of pages in the EMF Book from the model, and changed the title through the textual editor. When going back on my editor, the comparison, conflict detection and then merge process happens and I get this :And when I have conflicts?  Then the editor can't do much, right, at least it can helps you and show you the conflict :How is it implemented ? That's fairly eas...

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If you've used EMF editors you probably already have seen this kind of dialog :This happens when you did change your model and some external changes (aka somebody else changed your file) happened before you pressed "save".  This is not only an EMF problem, any editor has kind of problematic. Either way the end user have a very hard time undestanding why he has to pick one or the other version as most of the time these changes are not conflicting !Is that the best we can do ?  Another option is to compare both versions, detect conflicts, and if there is no conflicts, just merge the changes.Here I changed the number of pages in the EMF Book from the model, and changed the title through the textual editor. When going back on my editor, the comparison, conflict detection and then merge process happens and I get this :And when I have conflicts?  Then the editor can't do much, right, at least it can helps you and show you the conflict :How is it implemented ? That's fairly eas...

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If you've used EMF editors you probably already have seen this kind of dialog :This happens when you did change your model and some external changes (aka somebody else changed your file) happened before you pressed "save".  This is not only an EMF problem, any editor has kind of problematic. Either way the end user have a very hard time undestanding why he has to pick one or the other version as most of the time these changes are not conflicting !Is that the best we can do ?  Another option is to compare both versions, detect conflicts, and if there is no conflicts, just merge the changes.Here I changed the number of pages in the EMF Book from the model, and changed the title through the textual editor. When going back on my editor, the comparison, conflict detection and then merge process happens and I get this :And when I have conflicts?  Then the editor can't do much, right, at least it can helps you and show you the conflict :How is it implemented ? That's fairly eas...

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Eclipse Day Paris took place a few weeks ago, every year it is scheduled the week after Eclipse Con Europe. I had the chance to attend the 2011 edition and it was a real pleasure for several reasons.1 - Organization rockedThe event was perfectly organized. Proxiad and Zenika did a great job, timing was perfect for the presentations, the content was interesting and the french touch for food and wine have been highly appreciated !Proxiad and Zenika are fairly original service providers : highly technical and active in open source communities, it's always a pleasure to collaborate with them. Congrats to the organizers !2 - Diverse contentThe talks were very diverse, from Ralph and the Eclipse Foundation to UI testing going through modeling, OSGi, Scout, BI and industrial feedback. A nice combination.3 - Wide and Diverse audienceThe event was free and attracted a wide and diverse audience. That was perfect for me as I was there as "Eclipse Modeling Evangelist", helping people und...

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Eclipse Day Paris took place a few weeks ago, every year it is scheduled the week after Eclipse Con Europe. I had the chance to attend the 2011 edition and it was a real pleasure for several reasons.1 - Organization rockedThe event was perfectly organized. Proxiad and Zenika did a great job, timing was perfect for the presentations, the content was interesting and the french touch for food and wine have been highly appreciated !Proxiad and Zenika are fairly original service providers : highly technical and active in open source communities, it's always a pleasure to collaborate with them. Congrats to the organizers !2 - Diverse contentThe talks were very diverse, from Ralph and the Eclipse Foundation to UI testing going through modeling, OSGi, Scout, BI and industrial feedback. A nice combination.3 - Wide and Diverse audienceThe event was free and attracted a wide and diverse audience. That was perfect for me as I was there as "Eclipse Modeling Evangelist", helping people und...