With the release of UML2 v4 last june, I have started to work on...

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General Class Component Type

With the release of UML2 v4 last june, I have started to work on a brand new version of the UML to Java generator. With Mathieu’s help, I have improved this project in order to have a more maintainable code base. Those changes will also give us more freedom to add new features to the generator.

As I explained it before, the UML to Java generator 1.0 introduced a launch configuration in order to configure your generation. It also let you use “.properties” files in order to change some parameters used in your generation. While both mechanisms are nice they don’t offer the level of quality and the ease of use that I am looking for. As a result, with the upcoming 2.0 release of the UML to Java generator, the use of properties files will not be supported anymore.

For those who are using or extending the version 1.x of the generator, it won’t go away but since the switch to the version 4 of the UML2 project breaks the compatibility with the previous release of the generator, it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of some features that did not match the expected level of quality.

In order to replace the use of the properties files, the version 2.0 of the generator will feature a brand new launch configuration. Recreated from scratch, this new version will give you a better tooling to configure the generation. You will also have access to more options than before. To leverage more information from UML Designer, the generator will start taking into account more diagrams than the good old class diagram with support for the components diagram.

The generator will be available under the Eclipse public license v1.0 and this work is hosted on Github.

Auteur d'origine: sbegaudeau