What's new in Acceleo 3.1

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Acceleo 3.1 has been released yesterday as part of the Eclipse 3.7 Indigo release train. So let’s have a look at some of the new features available in this release.

Language improvements

Support for documentation for templates, queries and modules.

Support for TODO and FIXME

Tooling improvements

Improved real time error detections with new errors detected and warning support.

Brand new wizard for the creation of new projects and new modules.

Documentation in completion and hover

Improved outline view with new actions to filter and sort templates and queries.

Improved support for metamodels that have not been deployed in a plugin. New refactoring options (extract as query, pull up, generate documentation…) Acceleo runtime available as an Eclipse library for all Java projects.

New preference menu to customize the colors of the Acceleo editor and to activate/deactivate some options of the generation.

Better Ant and Maven support

Acceleo 3.0 generates the necessary Ant file to compile an Acceleo project thanks to the PDE build system. Now Acceleo 3.1 adds on top of this, two Ant files for the compilation and the launch of an Acceleo generation out of Eclipse. We are also introducing the generation of the pom.xml for a tycho/maven based build of Acceleo projects.

New serialization option

Support of binary resource serialization for Acceleo modules. With this new option, you will be able to reduce the size of your Acceleo generators and improve their loading time.

For those who want to know more about Acceleo, you can find more information on the Obeo Network or you can follow me on twitter.