The new acceleo release before the 3.0 version

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Acceleo 2.7 has just been released. The Acceleo profiler has been improved in particular when generating from big models. A template extender was added; it allows to explicitly extend a template from an Acceleo module. Custom services can now be added as a system services. Several fixes were done on the models import from the Enterprise Architect modeler. Concerning the Acceleo modules, the C and Java modules have been improved. A new build is available on the update site.

Furthermore some bugs have been fixed; you may want to have a look on the new and noteworthy page for the 2.7.0 release:

The "Acceleo modeling bundles" providing the Eclipse platform, Acceleo, its prerequisites have been updated. These bundles are the way to go if you want to test the power of modeling within Eclipse: They provide as usual the ATL workbench for model to model transformations, EMF Compare for model comparison and others components composing the official Eclipse Modeling Package.

We planned several corrective versions for the 2.x branch: a 2.7.1 version will be released this year and a 2.8 version in 2011. But as you may know, the next major release of Acceleo is currently implemented and this new version is an official Eclipse foundation project ( The most obvious change of this new version is the overhaul of the syntax as we now follow the OMG standard "MOF Model To Text Language" (MTL) based on OCL. In incubation since a little more than two years within Eclipse, Acceleo 3.0 is coming soon with the Eclipse Helios train (June 2010). Acceleo 3.0 already supports a level of functionality close to its 2.x stream. “Pre-release candidate” milestone could already be tested:

Do not hesitate to give feedback through the mailing-lists, the bug-tracker or the web forum, a Wiki is available to ease the collaboration and the gathering of tips and tricks.

Thanks to all the developpers and contributors involved in this release!
Auteur d'origine: Freddy