Step in Toulouse

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This week, I'll be in Toulouse, the aerospace city.

Wednesday (June 22), we will start the Obeo Designer Roadshow, a serie of six steps in six different cities (Toulouse, Brest, Nantes, Paris, Niort and Lille).

Each step of this roadshow will be organized in two parts: the morning will be dedicated to a presentation of the version 5.0 of Obeo Designer, presentations of case-studies by users and a panel to discuss about graphical DSLs.

The afternoon will be more technical with Hands-On sessions: we have asked to each person to come with a case, and we will help them to implement their own graphical designer during the afternoon.

In Toulouse, the case-studies will be presented by Pascal Roques of PRFC and Tristan Faure of Atos Origin.

Thursday (June 23), I will attend Eclipse Party (the Indigo Demo Camp) and give a talk about JavaEE code generation with EEF and Acceleo.

This Demo Camp, will be very intensive with two tracks and a lot of interesting talks (Topcased, Koneki, Closure, Birt, RCP, eGit, SWTBot, e4, etc).

There will also be a specific session about feedback from EclipseCon 2011 (XText, Orion, CDT, Tycho).

Finally, it will end with a panel about Eclipse and its ecosystem, animated by Gaël Blondelle of Obeo.
Auteur d'origine: Fred