Quick and dirty maven repository for Acceleo

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You want to use Acceleo jars in a stand alone project with maven? You don’t know how to host Acceleo jars in a maven repository? Well, it’s simple:

1- create a local maven repository

2- put Acceleo jars inside

3- push it on github :)

So while I’m waiting for the Eclipse Foundation to put the content of the release train online, I think that I’ll put everything needed for Acceleo on this repository. If you want to use it, have a look at this screenshot.

Right now there are only the jars of the latest build (I’ll have to see if I push the jars of the latest build automatically easily), but I’ll put the different stable release along with Acceleo dependencies. Of course, that’s a temporary solution but if you need a quick and dirty maven hosting solution, it works :)

Auteur d'origine: sbegaudeau