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Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure to participate to DASIA in Malta.

There was most of the European actors of the Space Industry, and (not so) suprisingly lot of participants from Toulouse :) .

I presented OPEES, the “Open Platform for the Engineering of Embedded Systems” in the track chaired by Paul Arberet from CNES:

It was an opportunity to present this new type of Open Source organization, the 4th one (see slide 12). These consortia like OPEES for embedded software for critical systems of Genivi for the Automotive industry mainly focus on Industrial Users needs and see Open Source as an enabler to create sustainable software ecosystems.

That’s good news that Open Source now gathers interest from companies for which Software is not the main asset. Indeed, even if planes, satellites or cars embed more and more software, the results is not just a web site or a piece of software to download. Even in this case, Open Source offers many interests like the capability to clarify the Intellectual Property and the condition of reuse of the software.

At DASIA, I also presented how to use Obeo Designer in order to support multiple point of views in the System Engineering in addition to the standards SysML and UML editors provided in Topcased. I’ll go into more details about this topic later as we are preparing a white paper on the topic with my co-workers Frédéric Thomas and Gonzague Reydet.

Auteur d'origine: gblondelle