On the road again!

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Once again, Obeo will hit the road with its hot new technologies and products in the bag.
We will meet with our partners, customers and technical community through three main events.

Obeo Designer Roadshow 2012

After the success of 2011's edition, we will organize a new roadshow which will pass through 4 cities in France:
Nantes (18/10)Toulouse (15/11)Paris (20/11)Grenoble (6/12)
Each day is free and composed of two parts:

The morning, we will present how custom graphical designers can help in managing complexity and how to create this kind of tools with Obeo Designer. Then, we will let our partners and customers to present case-studies where they have used Obeo Designer. For the first date, in Nantes, case-studies will be presented by MMA and Thales Services.

The afternoon, is dedicated to a "hands-on" session. We encourage each participant to come with its own idea of a graphical designer. And, with the help of Obeo experts, we promise that everyone leave with a first version of a running designer!

Last year, participants left with designers for robots, SOA systems, IT infrastructure, authorization management, etc...


Enterprise Architecture Morning

The 16th of October, we will be in Paris to discuss about Enterprise Architecture.

The morning is free and will be composed of 4 main parts:

Obeo's approach to Enterprise ArchitectureCase-Study by Choregie, in the Insurance domainTEAP, a collaborative research project with Capgemini and DCNS.SmartEA, the solution proposed by Obeo

At the end, we will keep time to allow participants to install SmartEA on their PC and to play with a sample model.

Obeo SmartEA allows Enterprise Architects to define their existing and target architectures (As-Is and To-Be), to evaluate gap analysis and define transformation scenarios. It provides:
a graphical environment based on Eclipse to edit TOGAF models
a viewpoint technology based on Obeo Designer to create new kinds of representations
a database repository to store the models and to allow collaborative work (technology based on Eclipse CDO)
connectors to federate existing information with the repository
architectural tools to study evolution plans and to analyze their impacts
a web client to navigate and to search into the models

EclipseCon Europe 2012

Last but not the least, like each year, Obeo will be present at Ludwigsburg (Germany) for the annual Eclipse conference in Europe.

EclipseCon Europe 2012

Obeo has been selected for 8 talks:
Chocolate Based Development by Etienne Juliot15 EMF projects in 25 minutes by Cedric BrunBeyond Mylyn, leverage the data of your IDE by Stephane BegaudeauBuild your own System Engineering workbench by Melanie Bats, Cedric BrunBuildroot Eclipse Bundle : A powerful IDE for Embedded Linux developers by Melanie BatsEMFCompare 2.0: Scaling to Millions by Mikael Barbero, Cedric BrunIt's 2012 and your documentation sucks by Alex Lagarde, Cedric Brun, Stephane BegaudeauPolarsys: the open industrial revolution of Embedded Systems development by Gael Blondelle

Auteur d'origine: Fred