MBSE and Model-Based Testing with Capella
This webinar was held on Tursday, April 21st. Discover the replay:
Nowadays, we are surrounded by system of systems, autonomous systems, interconnected systems or distributed heterogeneous systems with an increase in architecture complexity. Keeping these systems operational is a challenge as the number of potential failures which may affect their availability also increases drastically. In order to optimize availability, maintenance activities have to be designed within the design phase of the system.
Whatever the implementation choice, detection, diagnostic or prevention of failures require tests.
The goal for autonomous systems also pushes towards embedded detection and prevention capabilities and thus arguing and decision making between system engineers and maintenance engineers to share solutions in their respective activities.
In this presentation, we talk about the ability of a system designed with Capella to be tested : what are the interconnections between engineering domains of system design, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety assessment and test design (Testability) and how to design maintenance tests.
We present how a MBSE approach with Capella can be used to initiate a testability study performed with the eXpress tool from DSI International.
Benjamin Bossa (Spherea) Benjamin is a System Architect with +10 years’ experience on simulation and virtual testing. He is currently in charge of model based related activities at SPHEREA, implementing MBSE approach and studying cross engineering domain between System Engineering, Safety Assessment and Testing. He holds a PhD on Fluid dynamics and a Master’s Degree in Physics.
Yann Fusero (Spherea) Yann is a System Architect with +15 years’ experience on performing and implementing Systems Engineering practices in industrial organizations. He currently leads the Systems Engineering team with architects implementing MBSE approaches on operational projects. His team is in charge of Testability activities which allow definition of optimized test strategy for SPHEREA customers. He holds a PhD on Computer Science, a MSc on Electronics and Signal Processing and Master’s Degree in Engineering in Physics from ESPCI Paris.