Let’s go back to EclipseCon EU

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By the end of the month, we will be back at EclipseCon EU which is one of the main events for the Eclipse community.

We are excited to present our last technologies’ features such as properties view with Eclipse Sirius 4.1. On that topic, if it you have not already read it, we highly recommend Mélanie’s blog post (as usual, well written with humor).

The Eclipse family is part of our. Many of us are committers on several Eclipse projects (among which Sirius, EMF Compare, Acceleo, Ecore Tools…), and if not (yet), they are deeply involved in them.

Each year, we like to go to several events where the Open Source and modeling community meet. Of course, we all got in mind the official Eclipse events (i.e. EclipseCon North America, France or Europe). But there are also many others such as recently MoDELS, INCOSE Symposium, and in almost a month, THE international conference on graphical modeling: SiriusCon 2016, at Paris on November 15th. By the way, it’s still time to register.

But as the title of this blog news said, “let’s go back to EclipseCon EU”. Indeed: lucky are the attendees! The program is interesting and covers many issues about modeling. Among other great ones, you shall (really) attend the Obeo team’s workshop and talks at ECon EU:

Also visit our booth where we will be happy to get time to discuss with you!

But since at Obeo, we like to mix being serious with a little touch of fun, come at the IoT Playground and try to win the fight with your robot. Make your robot move with Eclipse Sirius and try to catch the right pines (yes there is a trap!). Hope you will enjoy the game as we do!



Mots clés: events obeodesigner