First post = presentation

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Well, it seems my turn as come to start blogging on what I am working on. Actually, I am an Eclipse Modeling Software Developer and as I joined Obeo company at the end of last year, I entered the world of free software development.

So, yes (I am sorry for the non-java-modeling geeks ;) ) it will be yet another blog on Eclipse, Modeling… and other stuff I will encounter in my day to day work.

Ok, now as the presentations are done, why beginning to blog now? Because after some months, my first contributions to OSS are available!

At the moment, I am contributing mainly to two projects :

UML Designer – a UML modeler developed using Obeo Designer available woth EPL license on github.

MARTE Designer – a MARTE modeler also developed using Obeo Designer available on Eclipse Market Place.

More on my contributions in next posts.