Euro FootballCup 2012 : Play with us

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Today the European Football Championship starts. As for the worldcup in 2010, Obeo has created a Forecast game, based on the Eclipse Modeling stack to determine who is the best "Forecaster" at Obeo.

You can play with us and try to challenge the Obeo Team!

To play with us, simply download the software for your OS :

win32 - win64 - linux32 - linux64 - macos32 - macos64

Unzip the software and launch the Euro 2012 forecast executable. Then, create a new player with your login and start to play.

The application have three pages:
The first page shows your login and your pointsThe second page let you create your forecastsAnd finally the third shows the rating of the gameTo make a forecast, all you have to do is to select the forecast for the match you want to edit in the second page.

Then, set the score of the two teams in the dedicated field and just save your forecast (ctrl + s). You can change your forecast up to end of the day.
Do not hesitate! Download the application and play with us! You can make your forecast up to 17 for the two matches of the day :

France - England
Ukraine - Sweden

Let's go France !
Auteur d'origine: Goulwen