EEF 0.9.0 Release

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Finally we did it !

After 5 Release Candidates, we finally released EEF 0.9 (a.k.a. Extended Editing Framework ;))! You can now download it on the EEF release update site!

What can you expect for this version:
Generate editors with EEF: EEF provides a new model (which is actually an extension of the existing EEF models) enabling you to model editor pages to generate sexy Forms Editors.

A cool new widget: EEF RichText - Based on the RichText widget of the EPF project, you can now edit your text properties (like documentation) in a Rich mode!

Finally an important step is a real better compatibility with EMF.edit framework. Modify your item providers and you'll find your very own features in the EEF views!Now don't hesitate: Download it! Try it! Enjoy it! And give us your feedback to make EMF models editing really sexy!
Auteur d'origine: Goulwen