EDT2012 – Timing Behaviours and EMF models : just married !

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My first talk in Eclipse community will occur on next thursday at the Eclipse Day Toulouse 2012 : Timing Behaviors and EMF models : just married ! I will present with Frédéric Mallet from the Inria, the results of the collaborative project RT-Simex. RT-Simex is an ANR project which purpose was to improve tools for RT embedded software and time constrained systems. 6 industrial & academics partners worked on this project during 3 years.
I made the slides with Prezi which is a really sexy/easy tool. Big drawbacks, it’s available mainly for windows and if you want to use it from Linux, you have to use the online creator. Then if you want to run the flash presentation offline, one solution is to use wine (too buggy as full screen does not work) or to install the Prezi Player. You can find this useful application on github. Conclusion, next time I will give its chance to Sozi, the free software equivalent which is an Inkscape extension.
Back to the presentation itself, you can find the slides on prezi.com and as it should be filmed soon maybe the video.
If you are in the Toulouse area next week do not hesitate, the EDT2012 subscription are opened until monday evening.
Then see you there!