EclipseCon Europe 2013 Begins - Walk on the wild side

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Hi guys !

Today starts the EclipseCon Europe 2013, plenty of exciting talks & events planned, as usual I’ll try to sum it up with day-by-day reports.

This EclipseCon will definitely be the chance to take a walk on the wild side of Eclipse projects, with the first release of Eclipse Sirius, new major versions of awesome projects like Code Recommenders, tutorials and of course the BoFs which remain my favorite event as we actually can annoy the commiters of our favorite projects with our ideas. By the way, we’re giving a “hands-on” Sirius BoF tomorrow, come with your business model and leave with awesome graphical modelers for it! It’s been 2 years now that we have started this concept for companies, I’m really excited to see what the community will do with Sirius.

Stay in tuch to get fresh news about the conference :)