Eclipse Worldcup : First results

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3 days of world cup, we can do a first check of the game results :

lredor and Cedric lead the game with 18 points. After, there is SMonnier, Jonathan and fmaillet with 17 points. Well played !

It's not too late to start playing if you want to join us in the game. To play, just download the application :

And add a new player. You're 18 points late but it remains 224 points to win !!

To finish, let me remind you the process to validate your forecasts :
Fill out your forecast in the applicationSave the modificationThen use the menu "World Cup Forecasts > Commit" to send your datas
If you not save before commit or you not commit, the default score (0-0) we be validate and use to compute your score !

Let's play !

Auteur d'origine: Goulwen