Eclipse Acceleo Day program is available!

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The first Eclipse Acceleo workshop will take place on July 10, 2009 in Nantes. More information available here:
The complete program is now available with a lot of interesting talks dealing with Eclipse, MDE, DSM and of course Acceleo ;-)

Hour Title Presenter Affiliation Language
09:00 Introduction Etienne Juliot OBEO English
09:30 Presentation of a DSM-oriented design and generation environment Erlé Le Gac Capgemini French
10:00 MDA & Acceleo deployment feedbacks Vincent Fady Atos Origin French
10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Acceleo, contribution to the industrialization of developments: Feedback from Bull-Centre de Services Paris Olivier Leal Bull French
11:45 An Open-source Model Driven software development toolset - Lesson learned from Orange Labs Samuel Liard Orange Labs French
12:15 Lunch

14:00 MDSD Scaffolding and Acceleo Cédric Vidal Proxiad English
14:30 Presentation of WISSS (Webapp Is Simple, Stupid and Secure) François Gaudin Makina Corpus English
15:00 Acceleo MTL: a standard alternative for code generation
Cédric Brun OBEO English
15:45 Coffee break

16:15 EEF powered by Acceleo MTL - Acceleo MTL ... and punishment! Goulwen Le Fur OBEO English
17:00 Panel

This workshop is free but with mandatory registration (for organisation purposes). Registration details are available here:

Hope to see you there :-)
Auteur d'origine: Freddy