Eclipse Acceleo Day

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Eclipse Acceleo Day will take place on July 10, 2009 in Nantes. This workshop is dedicated to Acceleo and associated technologies. All information for attending and participating are available here: Eclipse Acceleo Day.

The workshop fees have been lowed to their minimum: this is a free workshop ;), but mandatory registration (for organisation purposes). This workshop is co-located with the 10th Libre Software Meeting (

The workshop will be an occasion for some members of Acceleo community to meet and to exchange ideas. This meeting will also be an opportunity to present some of the planned extensions to this tool and discuss MDE related subjects.

If you want to participate and/or attend, don't hesitate to contact me by email.


Acceleo ( is an Eclipse-based toolkit for code generation, with a model based approach. Code generation is the technique of using or writing programs that write source code. Code generators are tools built to serve engineers in the automatic creation of applications. Acceleo is a free software, its development is totally open.

Topics of Interest

New Eclipse Acceleo project ( LanguageValidation with Acceleo Documentation generationScripting generation (PHP, Python, Ruby, ...)Link with M2M transformations (ATL and others)Comparison with other generative enginesIntegration of Acceleo in a industrial tool chainPresentation of existing modules ("ready-to-use" generators)

Most of the talks will be 20-30 minutes long. Participants are welcome to propose a short talk presenting their project of their experience with Acceleo. Working languages are english and french. All slides and documents will be in english. Demos would be greatly appreciated :-)

Important Dates
Registration: July 3rd, 2009 (Even if attendance is free, registration is mandatory for organisation purposes)Workshop Date : July 10th, 2009
Auteur d'origine: Freddy