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I’m so excited about attending this new EclipseCon edition, so first of all let me try to share my excitment in music with a Boston band In this post, I’ll try to share the things I’ve lived and learned this morning. Git tutorial - Tim Berglund [GitHub] & Kevin Sawicki That’s the kind of tutorial you want to attend to at eclipsecon, Tim opened the tutorial by saying that he was here to answer our expectations, and  he actually changed the tutorial outline according to our specific needs. The audience shared a laughter when we started hearing the other tutorials in the loudspeakers, and then the git magic started flowing in our veins! Here are some of the cools things we learned: - We actually created a git commit without using git add or git commit commands, just by creating files and using obscure commands like hash-object or update-index. Really intersesting as we learned the internals of git. In addition it made ...

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This week EclipseCon 2013 holds in Boston.As usual, Obeo will actively participate to this event with the participation of seven of us:Mikaël BarberoMélanie BatsGaël BlondelleCédric BrunEtienne JuliotAlex LagardeGoulwen Le FurIf you attend EclipseCon, try to catch them and ask them questions about EMF, Acceleo, EMF Compare, EEF, Mylyn Intent, Obeo Designer, Polarsys, Buildroot, ... they have a lot to say and to show about these topics!But the best way remains to attend their talks:Your custom modeling environment definition made easy. At last!EMF.Edit: the Force Unleashed!Buildroot Eclipse Bundle : A powerful IDE for Embedded Linux developersEMF Compare 2.0: Scaling to MillionsEMF Community, time for moving on Eclipse4 thanks to the Extended Editing Framework 2.0!Stop throwing your doc away: Agile Documentation with Mylyn IntentDocumentation Driven TestingEnjoy!Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Fred...

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IntelHome Designer: a graphical designer to configure home automation systems for disabled persons. This is what Willy Allegre, of South Brittany University, has prototyped with Obeo Designer during his thesis at LAB-STICC laboratory.IntelHome Designer consists in modeling a home with all its automated equipments. The model is used to generate configuration files for DANAH, a assistive technology system that pilots automated homes or medical structures. It provides users (elderly and the disabled) with a human machine interface to automate daily tasks.The graphical designer allows non DANAH-expert persons to describe the environment (the home and its equipments) and the possible interactions between the users and these equipments.This case-study illustrates a more and more widespread use of DSL (Domain Specific Language): models can be directly created by domain users to configure their application. In a previous post, I already presented a similar case-study where models are used...

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You might have noticed some signs of excitement from us lately, one being the following tweet :4:45 pm : I'm clicking on "send" and it's gonna rock.— Cédric Brun (@bruncedric) 6 mars 2013 What was sent at 4:45pm? a new project proposal for Eclipse, one which, in my opinion, is a major event.Let me introduce you to Eclipse Sirius !Have you ever wanted a nice graphical environment customized for your domain data but been discouraged by the complexity of all the technologies needed to create one? Maybe you compromised and decided to use an existing format or notation, even if it does not completely fit your needs, just to benefit from the associated tools. Fear no more! Instead of adapting your needs to some existing tool, with Sirius the tooling adapts itself to you, as it should be. And you don't even need to learn about the Eclipse Modeling stack, we did it for you.That said, if you want to tweak something you can always plug your customization in through the underlying frameworks, nam...

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You might have noticed some signs of excitement from us lately, one being the following tweet :4:45 pm : I'm clicking on "send" and it's gonna rock.— Cédric Brun (@bruncedric) 6 mars 2013 What was sent at 4:45pm? a new project proposal for Eclipse, one which, in my opinion, is a major event.Let me introduce you to Eclipse Sirius !Have you ever wanted a nice graphical environment customized for your domain data but been discouraged by the complexity of all the technologies needed to create one? Maybe you compromised and decided to use an existing format or notation, even if it does not completely fit your needs, just to benefit from the associated tools. Fear no more! Instead of adapting your needs to some existing tool, with Sirius the tooling adapts itself to you, as it should be. And you don't even need to learn about the Eclipse Modeling stack, we did it for you.That said, if you want to tweak something you can always plug your customization in through the underlying frameworks, nam...