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For Acceleo v2.0 and launching of Acceleo Modules Farm, Obeo will release with an OpenSource license one of its commercial modules : UML2Hibernate.I have create this module. It uses UML 2.1 models (class diagram with < < stereotype > >) and generates :- DAO layer- Entity objects- HBM mapping- SQL tables (3NF)- JUnit tests- Hibernate v3 compatible Design PatternsIt manages lots of associations :- inheritance- 1-1- 1-*- *-*- recursive associations- unidirectionnal and bidirectionnal associations- ...It will be available before the end of may. I hope you will enjoy it, and you will contribue to improve its features.Here is the link where this module will be available : d'origineAuteur d'origine: Etienne Juliot...

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Students : stop to think you NEED to be a project chief to be someone !I see lots of young IT engineers, who just come out from their high schools, and want to manage projects. Oh yeah, Excel, MS Project should be very exciting !NO ! You can have a very good job and a very good carrier with some technical skills. IT is complex, and architecture is not easy for everybody. It's fun, there are some evolution every day, and companies needs some very good people to understand and create good architectural designs.IT architecture is one the more interesting job I even see.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Etienne Juliot...

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Planet Acceleo is online.My blog is aggregated inside this planet.http://planet.acceleo.orgLien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Etienne Juliot...

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Papyrus, one of the best OpenSource UML modeleur on the Eclipse platform has been released. includes a new killer feature : Java code generation from UML models.And which generative engine does they choose ? Yeah ! Acceleo.Obeo has joigned Papyrus community to help them to create this Java generator.Of course, this generator is under EPL license.Acceleo 2.0RC2 has been used, with some specific integration plugins like this one (for the Run... menu) :Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Etienne Juliot...

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OMG has defined the MDA term.But now, what a jungle !Let's see some very simple definitions.MDE- Model Driven Engineering- definition : all the process of creating softwares with a model driven approach.- examples : it includes some metamodel based analysis, how to manage teams with MDA,which steps are required to create a real model based software factory, ...MDA- Model Driven Architecture- definition : the technical choice of tool and metamodel for all the creation of a new software- examples : transformation models engines, separation and links between PIM/CIM/and othersMDSD - Model Driven Software Development (also call MDD : Model Driven Development) - definition : metamodel based tools and process for development step - examples : source code generation (like Acceleo), PSM model based editorDSM - Domain Specific Modeling (and DSL : Domain Specific Language) - definition : metamodel based modelers to design specific and semantical models - examples : GMF based modelers, Workflow ...