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This year has been a really important one for us at Obeo to think about our current products and how to improve them. Eclipse Juno was a big investment for us, with a lot of modeling projects in the release train : Acceleo, EMF Compare, EEF, ATL, Mylyn Intent...EMF Compare is the one that got us thinking the most, and we ended up developping two versions in parallel during the development phase of Juno. First is the version we actually included in the release train, 1.3.1, which is now the maintenance stream.This version includes a number of new developments and enhancements. Most notably, the detection and merging of differences on values ordering has been greatly improved, and the merging in general was one of our major endeavors this year, fixing thousands of corner cases. Please refer to the release highlights for the noteworthy changes of this version.However, the 6 years of development spent on EMF Compare allowed us to identify a number of limitations in the architecture and ove...

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I proposed two talks for the EclipseCon Europe 2012. The first one is dedicated to System Engeneering to demonstrate how to build a custom workbench based on Eclipse modeling software constellation: I have also posted a talk on Buildroot Toolchain Eclipse Plugin for which I will give details soon : The EclipseCon Europe will take place from October 23rd to October 25th 2012 in Ludwigsburg, Germany....

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Picture by Alan CleaverIt's summer, the Juno release is over and you all deserve to rest and  enjoy your vacations... but hey, you might have missed it but the submission deadline for Eclipse Con europe is very close !Only 11 days before the early birds deadline.others already submitted proposals, if you want to share your experience, demo the latests hot features of your project or if you have other cool stuff, go ahead and submit !FREE COUNTDOWN WIDGETLien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Cédric Brun...

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Picture by Alan CleaverIt's summer, the Juno release is over and you all deserve to rest and  enjoy your vacations... but hey, you might have missed it but the submission deadline for Eclipse Con europe is very close !Only 11 days before the early birds deadline.others already submitted proposals, if you want to share your experience, demo the latests hot features of your project or if you have other cool stuff, go ahead and submit !FREE COUNTDOWN WIDGET EclipseCon Europe - Time to hurry up ! was originally published by Cédric Brun at CTO @ Obeo on July 03, 2012.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Cédric Brun...

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Picture by Alan CleaverIt's summer, the Juno release is over and you all deserve to rest and  enjoy your vacations... but hey, you might have missed it but the submission deadline for Eclipse Con europe is very close !Only 11 days before the early birds deadline.others already submitted proposals, if you want to share your experience, demo the latests hot features of your project or if you have other cool stuff, go ahead and submit !FREE COUNTDOWN WIDGET EclipseCon Europe - Time to hurry up ! was originally published by Cédric Brun at CTO @ Obeo on July 03, 2012.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: Cédric Brun...