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General Class Component Type Common The new launch configuration of the UML to Java generator has just been contributed on Github. I believe that with this new launch configuration, the generator feels way more “professional” and it’s easier to manipulate. I am still unsure about the new design to let users customize the generated types so I have not integrated it in the “Type” tab yet. There are still some improvements that need to be made to the generation, the non-regression tests have to be updated and the documentation must be polished after that the generator will be ready for its 2.0 release. Lien d'origine Auteur d'origine: sbegaudeau...
General Class Component Type With the release of UML2 v4 last june, I have started to work on a brand new version of the UML to Java generator. With Mathieu’s help, I have improved this project in order to have a more maintainable code base. Those changes will also give us more freedom to add new features to the generator. As I explained it before, the UML to Java generator 1.0 introduced a launch configuration in order to configure your generation. It also let you use “.properties” files in order to change some parameters used in your generation. While both mechanisms are nice they don’t offer the level of quality and the ease of use that I am looking for. As a result, with the upcoming 2.0 release of the UML to Java generator, the use of properties files will not be supported anymore. For those who are using or extending the version 1.x of the generator, it won’t go away but since the switch to the version 4 of the UML2 project breaks the compatibility with the pr...

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With the last messages, you know how to create and configure properly your Java projects and how to use Eclipse to code faster than ever. Today, it is time to review advanced features of Eclipse to go even faster! We have seen how Eclipse help us when we ask for help with the proper shortcut, today we will mainly see how we can configure Eclipse to help us even more and sometime even automatically. 3.1 - Imports order If you remember correctly, last time we have seen various ways to make Eclipse compute the types to import for you, thanks to the use of code completion, the quick fix or the “Ctrl+Shift+o” shortcut. With all those import declarations automatically computed, you may want to change the way the JDT orders the type imported. To configure most of the settings in Eclipse, you can navigate to the properties of your project (right click -> Properties) or you can go to the properties of Eclipse itself (Window -> Preferences). The difference between the two solutions is...

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Just to let you know that the JAXenter website has published an interview about Mylyn Intent and the importance of writing documentation, even (especially?) in Agile processes. I invite you to react, do not hesitate to spam us on the Intent forum or by mail, we will be glad to answer. A big thanks to Diana Kupfer who made a great job by asking the right questions :)Lien d'origine...

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EclipseCon Europe 2012 “Over the last few years, with the rise of application lifecycle management tools, your IDE became a technical data powerhouse. Within the development team, developers are manipulating a broad range of data thanks to dedicated tools. Ranging from the PDE to EGit and including Mylyn Tasks, Mylyn Build, m2clipse and even the platform itself, we have now access to countless of tools just a click away. Your IDE is now a maze of tools that are sometime communicating with each others yet you cannot easily access or manipulate the data that they are creating. Presented for the first time, Ariadne is a brand new Eclipse-based tool built to cut through the maze by leveraging the data collected by your IDE. With those data, Ariadne can provide you with a bird eye view of your IDE to monitor your project. Contrary to existing tools like Checkstyle or Sonar, Ariadne does not consider that a project is limited to its code and it can let you define cross concern requirements t...