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We've been quite buzzy in the last few months at Obeo : building and releasing a brand new product dedicated to EA, celebrating our seventh birhtday, building almost 20 modeling environments based DSLs and/or standards, bringing model comparison far beyond the competition, tackling the issue of software and design documentation with a novel approach in the Mylyn project and step by step getting closer to our perfect development process, our unicorn.And working on Obeo Designer : we just released 6.1.0 bringing among other things : - compatibility with Eclipse 3.8  (and Indigo, and Helios) - a ready-to-launch server for live and instant collaboration on models with fine grained locks - token/floating licenses,  meaning you can now buy license for, let's say, 30 simultaneous users, no matter who. - a better packaging, documentation and examples - updated versions of all its OSS components : Acceleo, ATL,  EEF, EMF Compare.Rougly...

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We've been quite buzzy in the last few months at Obeo : building and releasing a brand new product dedicated to EA, celebrating our seventh birhtday, building almost 20 modeling environments based DSLs and/or standards, bringing model comparison far beyond the competition, tackling the issue of software and design documentation with a novel approach in the Mylyn project and step by step getting closer to our perfect development process, our unicorn.And working on Obeo Designer : we just released 6.1.0 bringing among other things : - compatibility with Eclipse 3.8  (and Indigo, and Helios) - a ready-to-launch server for live and instant collaboration on models with fine grained locks - token/floating licenses,  meaning you can now buy license for, let's say, 30 simultaneous users, no matter who. - a better packaging, documentation and examples - updated versions of all its OSS components : Acceleo, ATL,  EEF, EMF Compare.Rougly...

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We've been quite buzzy in the last few months at Obeo : building and releasing a brand new product dedicated to EA, celebrating our seventh birhtday, building almost 20 modeling environments based DSLs and/or standards, bringing model comparison far beyond the competition, tackling the issue of software and design documentation with a novel approach in the Mylyn project and step by step getting closer to our perfect development process, our unicorn.And working on Obeo Designer : we just released 6.1.0 bringing among other things : - compatibility with Eclipse 3.8  (and Indigo, and Helios) - a ready-to-launch server for live and instant collaboration on models with fine grained locks - token/floating licenses,  meaning you can now buy license for, let's say, 30 simultaneous users, no matter who. - a better packaging, documentation and examples - updated versions of all its OSS components : Acceleo, ATL,  EEF, EMF Compare.Rougly...

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Yet another post on the Eclipse Java Development Tools! In the first post, we have seen how to create and configure a Java project, then how to create a basic Java application and, finally, we have seen advanced tips for Java development. Now it’s time to see how we can continue to improve our application with refactoring and how we can run our Java application in Eclipse. 4.1 - Generate getter, setter In a Java application, you need a ton of getters and setters but it doesn’t mean that you have to write them by yourself. You can generate them very quickly either by using the code completion of by using the “Source” menu with the shortcut “Alt+Shift+S”. The “Source” menu also gives you the ability to generate several getters and setters at the same time. Both solutions are generating code using the same code templates for setters and getters so do not hesitate to customize them as we have seen it before. 4.2 - Generate the constructor and much more The &...

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We are proud to announce today the first release of the Buildroot/Eclipse integration. This integration will make it easier for Eclipse users to develop, build, and debug applications in the context of embedded Linux systems generated with Buildroot. This integration allows Eclipse to: Automatically discover the toolchain made available by each of the Buildroot project on your machine. Automatically build your application or library in Eclipse using the cross-compiler of a given Buildroot project. Eclipse also automatically recognizes all the cross-compiled libraries that are exposed through pkg-config, so that linking your application against one or several of those libraries is just a matter of selecting them in a list. Automatically copy your compiled application to the target and execute it, directly from Eclipse, with just one click on the “Run” button. Automatically start a remote debugging session, directly from Eclipse, with just one clic...