UML to Java Generator for Acceleo
With the transition to the latest release of Acceleo, new generators built with Acceleo 3 are coming on the Obeo Marketplace. Among those generators, you will be able to find the first release of the UML to Java generator. This generator will feature several improvements to the basic UI plugin traditionally generated by Acceleo.
As an answer to a popular request, this generator will include a dedicated builder and a nature that you can activate on any project. Once activated, this nature will create a dedicated properties file in which you will be able to define which “.uml” model should be “watched” and where the Java code from this model should be generated.
Launch Configuration
Regular UI plugin for Acceleo feature an action in the contextual menu to launch the generation. While it “does the job”, it does not provide any customization options to the generation and it can be better integrated in Eclipse. This generator will contain a launch configuration system to let people define multiple configuration for the generation.
In this launch configuration, you will, of course, be able to select all the “.uml” model that should be used during the generation and where the code should be generated but you will also have the ability to review and possibly edit the value of the properties used during the generation.
Of course, you can still call the generator programmatically from any Java application even outside of Eclipse.
For those who are interested in this generator or those improvements to the regular UI plugin for Acceleo, you can have a look at its source code available on Github.
This generator can be found on the Eclipse Marketplace and you can use it with the free UML designer.
Edit: more news about the upcoming 2.0 release of UML to Java generator.