Sirius 4.1 is Out! What’s Inside ? Disgust
What feeling do you never want to encounter in life? For me it’s Disgust!
Nevertheless, I encounter it sometimes, in very special cases… for example when as a Java developer I have to work with the reflection API to fix some unthinkable problem.
 As the team behind Sirius, what matters most to us is to be sure that our final users never feel this about our product. That’s why in each release we work on improving the user experience by enhancing some diagram behaviours. In the new Sirius 4.1 we focused on:
Better zoom: In a diagram editor, the zoom with mouse wheel is now zooming on mouse location instead of center of the editor.
Edges improvements:
Straighten an edge: we have worked on some improvements on the diagram editor to offer a better experience to the end user. Sirius 4.1 comes with the possibility to straighten an edge to top, bottom, left or right. These actions are available on edge contextual menu Layout/Straighten.
Display link between edge and labels: it is now possible to display an attachment link between an edge and its labels when a label or edge is selected. This is not the default behavior but it can be enabled by a preference in Sirius/Sirius Diagram/Connections preference page.
Improve edge labels move: we also enhanced the move of compound edges with labels and connected ports. Now if you select several edges, their ports will follow the move smoothly.
Snap back labels: snap back labels functionality is available on edge selection to improve snap backing speed for example on begin, centered and end labels on edges.
Snap to shapes border nodes: the “Snap To Shapes” feature now also exists on border nodes.
We want to hear you, we need to hear you to prepare the future of Sirius! That’s why we are organizing a Sirius BOF on Tuesday evening, join us and tell us what you think about Sirius!
Right after the Sirius BOF, I will participate to the Diversity BOF. If you are interested by this topic go also to Tracy’s talk this Tuesday afternoon.