Scala based Acceleo launcher
Scala is a great functional and object oriented programming language. It can be very easily integrated in a Java based application. When you create an Acceleo generator, Acceleo generates a Java class to launch your generation easily. You can use this class from any Scala based application without any difficulties but if you really want to have a pure Scala based application, why would you want to manipulate this Java class, why not replace it with Scala?
So while I was still playing with Scala, I’ve decided to create an Acceleo launcher and its matching UI plugin directly in Scala. For those who are not familiar with Scala, not only can you call Java code from Scala, you can also inherit from Java classes and much more. I invite you to have a look at this great language on its official website.
For those of you who were looking for an Acceleo generator to generate Scala source code, you should definitely have a look at this. If you just want to use Acceleo in a Scala based environment, you can find the source code of the Scala based Acceleo launcher and its UI plugin under the open source EPL licence on
For more information on Acceleo, you can follow me on twitter or google+.